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Backup exec

Level 4


Pls ans to query below.

I’m pretty sure that licensing a dedupe 3rd party appliance requires a BE dedupe license regardless of how BE writes to the media


For example, OST or B2D over UNC for an EMC Data Domain would still require the BE Dedupe License, rite?


Can you confirm how this would apply to a dedupe appliance that can be presented as VTL.  Do you need dedupe only because it’s still doing dedupe or do you need VTL-Unlimited as well as dedupe or perhaps just VTL-Unlimited?


Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

Afaik, you would require both set of licenses.

Best though to confirm with the Licensing Team @

   VIP    Certified

If you are using the device as an OST device, then you need to licence the BE dedup option.

If you are using as a B2D, then you don't need any additional licences.  BE will just treat it as a plain old disk, but you would not get much dedup because the device would not have any data streamer for the BE backup files and would not understand its contents.

If you are presenting it to BE as a VTL, then you would need the VTL licence.