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Backup fails on one SQL instance

Level 3
We're using Backup Exec 10d SP4, backing up 8 servers (including the server with BEX installed on it). A remote server, which does have a BEX agent, has 3 SQL instances on it using different logon credentials. Instances "CP" and "PM" are fine with the same "domain\backup" user that has rights to the server, so they are not specifically given a different logon account than the server has in general. But the third instance, "PROFXENGAGEMENT", has a unique logon provided by the software vendor that wrote the application, so we have specifically input this Logon Account with the name "sa" and the password we were given.

When I click the "Test All" button, I get "Successful" on the server and all three SQL instances. But when I run the job at night, I get the following error:
Job ended: Monday, October 12, 2009 at 11:02:49 PM
Completed status: Completed with exceptions

Click an error below to locate it in the job log

Backup- SERVER03
AOFO: Initialization failure on: "SERVER03\PROFXENGAGEMENT". Advanced Open File Option used: Symantec Volume Snapshot Provider (VSP).
Snapshot provider error (0xE000FE29): Authentication failed on connection to the server. Make sure that the user account has the appropriate permissions and that the password was typed correctly.
Check the Windows Event Viewer for details.

Each time the job runs (unsuccessfully), I only get one event in the Application Event Log, as follows:

Event Type: Warning
Event Source: Backup Exec
Event Category: None
Event ID: 57755
Date: 10/12/2009
Time: 11:02:50 PM
User: N/A
Computer: SERVER01
Backup Exec Alert: Job Completed with Exceptions

(Server: "SERVER01") (Job: "Temp Testing") The job completed successfully.  However, the following conditions were encountered:

A snapshot operation required by this job was unsuccessful. Check the job log and the Windows Event Viewer for additional information.
For more information, click the following link:

I've doublechecked the correct logon name and password with the software vendor's support and confirmed that this works for other customers. I have carefully retyped the credentials and had a coworker retype them for me in case I am just getting them wrong. I have modified the Logon Credential to be a "restricted logon account" and not to be a "restricted logon account". I've run this backup with the other SQL instances and with just this one instance in isolation. What else should I try? It has never worked, so I must be doing something wrong.


Employee Accredited Certified
Not sure how to solve it - but typically the sa account is internal to SQL - which means it does not have permissions to the operating system or the file system - and some part of the job is trying to access the file system for a snapshot.

I am a little puzzled as to why the Symantec Snapshot Provider is in your log - does your SQL server run on Windows 2000 and / or do you have AOFO enabled against the SQL instance? Note if you are using the SQL agent you should not need AOFO to be enabeld as well (which might help)

Level 3
Yes, both the file/app server running Backup Exec ("SERVER01" above) and the SQL server ("SERVER03" above) are running Windows Server 2000. I do not know what AOFO is or where I would check if it's running.

Employee Accredited Certified
Ahh OK

As a test - for that job that fails - edit the backup job properties and go to the Advanced Open File section and disable it - then run the job with this disabled  to see what it does.

BTW AOFO = Advanced Open File Option

Level 3
Holy crap, Colin, that's exactly what I needed! Thank you. I ran another test job last night with AOFO unchecked and it successfully backed up the PROFXENGAGEMENT database on the SQL server.

Now I have one more question though: Is there any way to have AOFO CHECKED for most of a job but UNCHECKED for this SQL instance? Or would I have to schedule two backup jobs to separate this instance from the rest of the backup?

Level 6
Or would I have to schedule two backup jobs to separate this instance from the rest of the backup

Yep.  AOFO is on a per job basis.