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Backup to Disk job

Level 3
I am running multiple backup to disk jobs, each going to a different backup folder. I need one of the folders to hold the last three jobs instead of just one. I have set the "maximum number of backup sets per backup to disk files" set to 3, but still only the last job is stored. How can I set it so it will save the last three jobs?


Level 6

- How did you configure the jobs?

- Are the jobs scheduled?


Note : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked �assumed answered� and would be moved to �answered questions� pool.


Level 3
I have three different jobs set up. They are all set up normally, each with a separate back up to disk folder as their destination. The third one is the only one I need to keep the trhee last backups in. Yes, they are all scheduled.


Level 6
What is the OPP (Overwrite Protection Period) for the media set(s) in the last job?

In the Global Media Management options, do you have "Full" or "Partial" selected rather than "None"?

Level 4
You do need something like at least Partial Protection Level and the Overwrite time should be set to i.e. 32 Hours (do NOT use 36 Hours!!!)

Level 3
The external drive we are backing up to and all of the folders on that drive are all included in Media Set 1. The settings for that Media Set are as follows:

Overwrite Protection Period - Infinite, don't allow overwrite
Appendable Period - Infinite, allow append

Should either of these be changed, and if so, to what?


Level 6
As we said, sete the Media Set OPP to 32 Hrs, and make sure that the Global Overwrite is set to "Partial" rather than "None"

Level 3
OK, done as instructed. Will test on tomorrow nights backup.

Level 6
Forgot to add

Make sure that your job is "Overwrite", not "Append, else Overwrite"

Level 3
It is "Overwrite".


Level 6

Let us know the results.


NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked "assumed answered" and would be moved to "answered questions" pool.

Level 3
I have run the job in question twice now, and still it only keeps the current backup instead of keeping the last 3. Any other ideas?

Level 6
Can't think of anything else

Looks like you may need to open an incident :(

Level 6
I think you might be confusing a few terms.

You mentioned the configuration setting "Number of Backup sets per ... file"
(On the Devices tab, under 'Backup-to-Disk' folders.)

This is NOT the number of backup-to-disk FILES that will be in that 'folder'.
Example: If i am backing up across the network and have selected \\SrvFile\J: and \\SrvFile\K: to back up, this is two (2) backup SETS. But, because they are specified in the same job, they are written to ONE backup-to-disk file (provided the setting for files in that folder is large enough).

Then, the other solutions started pointing you to the Overwrite Protection Period. But, you said The external drive we are backing up to and all of the folders on that drive are all included in Media Set 1

This is where your problem is. You need to create a NEW Media Set, on the 'Media' tab, named, for example, "On-disk files".

Give it the Overwrite Protection Period of 32 hours or so - remember to allow for the time your backup takes.
Now, on the 'Job Setup' tab, on the properties for this particular job, configure the "Destination | Device and Media | Media Set" to point to the new media set you just created.

Works like a charm. I have a backup to disk that runs every day, keeps 7 files (Mon - Sun), then overwrites itself. - never have to touch it.

HINT: keep you tape backups and backup-to-disk in separate media sets so you have some control over the overwrite protection policy.


Level 6

Please let us know if the earlier provided solution has helped you.


NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.

Level 3
Thanks, this is working now. My only problem is the overwrite period. This job runs once a week, on Friday and I want to keep 2 copies. If I set the overwrite period to 32 hours, won't it overwrite itself each week?


Level 6

Thankyou for the update. With regards to overwrite protection period you may refer to the following technote.

(title) An explanation of the "Overwrite Protection Period" and the "Append Period"
