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Backup-to-Disk on SNAP Server

Level 2
I have been trying for days to get something very simple to work. I have a Windows 2003 server running BE 9.1 (sp2) . I want to create a Backup-to-Disk (B2D) folder on our SNAP Server 4100 (a NAS device). The Windows 2003 server is in a domain. The SNAP server is not. If I sit at the Windows 2003 server, I can consistently map a drive to the SNAP server using local credentials on the SNAP server. I have created these same credentials in BE as a common Logon Account, but BE cannot connect to the share on the SNAP server.

In devices, when I go through the process of creating a new B2D folder, it only asks for Name and Path. I can't find anywhere that allows you to specify which Logon Acocunt to use.

I'm sure the best thing would be to move the SNAP server into the same domain as the 2003 server, but I can't do that. I've tried everything I can think of - making the SNAP account the default Logon Account, using every variation of the UNC in the path, etc.

The specific message I get when creating the B2D folder is:
"Unable to create new backup folder. Access denied"

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Level 6
This references backing up a SNAP server, but should apply in your case also

Level 6
Partner Accredited
Be will try and use the BE service account to try and attach to the B2D device - this includes the domain name as well.

The only thing u can do is put the SNAP server into your domain.

Level 2
The advice from Ken Putnam, referencing this article:

worked like a charm. Once I created an administratvie
account on the snap server that matched the name and password of the account BE was running under on the 2003 server, all the problems went away. Nice trick.

Thanks a lot!