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Backup with open file agent problem

Level 2

Hi all,


I have a problem performing a backup of a server using the Open file agent. The server that I am trying to backup is a Windows 2003 Web Edition. (I am successfully performing backups on other W2003 web edition servers.)

When I use backup exec to choose files to backup I can see the server as I should. When I later test to run the backup no files are written to the backup and the size written to the media is always 4520 bytes.


I have tried to reinstall the backup agent several times but the result is always thesame.


I am using Backup Exec 11d revision 6235 and the agent that I have installed to the server has version (the version of the VSP.SYS file in the %windir%\system32\drivers\ directory)


Can anyone please help me with this! Right now I'm relying on ntbackup to secure my files on this server and it feels somewhat dusturbing... :(





Level 2

Hi Drew.


Let me start by saying that I'm no expert on the subject, but I might give you an idea in the right direction. Stranger things have happened.


Does the logon account that you use for the backup job have access to that specific remote server? If you check your selection list, under Resource Credentials, you can test the logon account and change it if needed.


I hope that helps. 

Level 2

Hi Mr.X,


I wish would have been that problem, but all credentials are valid and the test is passed without any errors. Thanks anyway, but no luck so far...

Level 2



Assuming that you've not got any exclusions set, perhaps this is caused by a bug in the Active File Exclusion. Backup Exec uses Active File Exclusion to exclude certain files from being backed up (Exchange databases, logs, etc) so that they don't generate exceptions in the job log. There has been a bug reported that in some circumstances *all* files are excluded. The symptom is usually that the folder structure is backed up, but not the files it contains.


You can find out how to disable AFE here: 


Good Luck 

Level 2

Thank you, It looks like it's working now.


It's strange as I can do a backup of another W2003 web edition server without having to change this setting... Well, Right now I'm happy!

Level 2

That's IT for you, sometimes it just doesn't make sense. :smileywink:


I'm glad that I could help.