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BackupEXEC 2012 logon account failures/Physical volume media not found

Level 3

We just moved up to Backup EXEC 2012 and we are experiencing some weird issues with our logon accounts failing which prevents us from backing up or restoring any data.  I've created additional logon accounts with and without the domain specified having no luck with any of the logon accounts.  Another odd issue is when testing the logon accounts for a backup job which includes folders that are user shares half of them fail and the other half pass with the same System logon account specified.  The folders (user shares) were created at the same time and have the same permissions. 


I've called Symantec about this issue and listed the problem as critical because I need to do a restore from a job that was created with the previous version of backup exec.  I need to pull out a database from the restore job to bring one of our servers back online.  I'm still waiting for a call back, I will post results when they call back.


Software: BackupEXEC 2012

     Patched: SP1, Hotfixes 189571,180964, 194470, 199866, 200433, 201596


OS: Server 2008 Standard x64 SP2, Dual AMD Opteron 12 cores, 32 GB Ram


   VIP    Certified

Check that your BESA have these permissions

Requirements for the Backup Exec Service Account (BESA).

Level 3

The backup service account seems to have all the required permissions, domain\administrator all services for backup exec are running using this account. 

Level 3

Received a call from Symantec yesterday and he seems to ignore the fact that there are failures/unknown test results when testing credentials during a restore/backup job.  Maybe this is a known bug in BE2012?

A patch was available yesterday morning that I applied before doing any work on our BE server, the patch was about 80 MB. (2-28-2012)

During a restore job I no longer receive a failure to logon, but Physical Volume Library not found.

     (Final error:   0xe000810d - Physical Volume Library Media not found.
     Final error category: Backup Media Errors)


The Symantec Tech seems to think there is a problem with our catalog server, we renamed the catalog directory within the backup exec installation directory and created a new empty catalog folder. 

Ran an inventory and catalog job on the storage device and attempted to restore after that completed but no devices show to be available.  The backup sets are now empty under the storage device also.

Level 3

Final error: 0xe000810d - Physical Volume Library Media not found.
Final error category: Backup Media Errors

Level 3


We were never able to get this BE version to backup or restore, it was fighting us and Symantec the entire way, we downgraded from BE2012 to BE2010 - Everything now works flawlessly.