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BackupExec 2014 Windows Agent won''t connect

Level 3

Both the Media server & agent server are Windows 2008 R2 Enterprise machine, I pushed out the agent from the media server just fine.

However I'm not able to trust, nor am I able to authenticate to the server.

I can ping both directions.

My thinking is must be a port thing on the firewall of the agent.... but I don't see any documentation on what 'windows' firewall ports need be opened on the Agent side?

Help ?


Level 4

HI Sean,


Could you please send me a link to which registry keys you removed?

Also...When you reinstalled the agents, did you do so with the CD or via the media server?

Iv done this proccess a couple of times now excluding the registry keys with no joy...hoping this is all I am missing.

Level 4

Ok so I got mine fixed folowing Metcalf's advice below


After calling Symantec Tech Support & jumping through lots of Change Management hoops I modified the "Default Domain Controllers Policy" GPO -

Computer Configuration -> Policies -> Windows Settings -> Security Settings -> Local Policies/User Rights Assignment

I added my BE Account to:

  • Act as a part of Operating System ( Only for Windows Server 2000 ).
  • Create a token object.
  • Log on as a service.
  • Logon as a batch job.
  • Manage auditing and security log.
  • Backup files and directories.
  • Restore files and directories.

Doing all this locally on the problem servers did nothing, but applying the GPO worked.


Ps. Dont forget to GPUPDATE /FORCE after making changes



Not applicable

Thanks GROBSON ! that resolved my exact same issue.

Not applicable

I was unable to establish trusts or connect wtih SOME of my backup clinets after upgrading from 2014 to 2015.  The installation showed a sucessful installation, however, I was not prompted to reboot.  I installed the Windows client locallay off the Symantec 2015 DVD, all to no avail.  I reverted my backup server to Backup Exec 2014, the clients needed the "old" Windows client installed as Backup Exec 2014 server saw the new Windows client, after the step back on the data servers the backup server connected and I was able to run my backups.

All servers are Windows Server 2012 R2.

I spent hours on the phone with Symantec Support -> they, once again, proved to be useless.


Grobson, thank you, your solution resolved my issue.



Not applicable
thanks so much. this solutions solved my problem~ I think the most important step is add the BE Account to "Logon as a batch job"