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BackupExec 9.1 Build 1158.4 wont load SureStart Console

Level 3
Compaq Proliant 6000 with Netware 6.0 Service Pack 5 , BackupExec 9.1 Build 1158.4 with the latest driver set, HP/Compaq 12/24 8 tape Autoloader with latest HP firmware. This server recognizes the autoloader through the bios scsi scan with no problems. When executing the BESTART command on the server, It will scroll through its process til the this point the Compaq Autoloader goes through its scan and scans all 8 tapes , when it finishes it scanning wont load the SureStart Manager Console. When I do a Bediag /s /c , it wil show me the autoloader with its latest firmware with no problems:
Server Name Is: X3
Todays Date Is: Mon Feb 13 11:42:12 2006

------------------ Devices In Host Bus Adapter Order ------------------------

Drive ( 00,04,00 ) COMPAQ TSL-9000 2.16

------------------ Devices In Application Order ----------------------------

Robot ( 00,04,01 ) COMPAQ 12/24GB DAT 8 AL 2.16 SONYLDR.NLM
Drive ( 00,04,00 ) COMPAQ 12/24GB DAT 8 AL 2.16 SONYLDR.NLM

------------------ Serial Numbers -------------------------------------------

Drive ( 00,04,00 ) Serial Number = 0022001644

------------------ Robot Information ---------------------------------------

The following information is from Robot: ( 00,04,1 )

So at this point at the server prompt, I type BESTART and All I get from the BKUPEXEC.FAX is this:

# Backup Exec SureStart
# Mon Feb 13 11:42:09 2006

Beginning the initialization procedure
Current system parameters are as follows
LoadType: Remote Agent
API mode: Directory Services
Driver: ASPI Compliant
DMA mode: Use all memory
Driver mode: Synchronous
ASPI Manager: Using NWAPI.CDM
Driver bus mode: Virtual Bus
Single ID switch ADIC 1200 support enabled
Autoload Novell TSAs: 1
Autoload B2D: 1
Validate NLM Versions: 1
Validate memory: 1
Debug: On: 0 ZL: 0
Internal: RA: 0 RQ: 0 MC: 0 UB: 0 LE: 0
Initializing internal control parameters
Initializing secondary control parameters
Previous prod. history path from upgrade.cfg - X3\SYS:\BKUPEXEC\LOG

Initializing system operating paths
Initializing NOS Links
Initializing Load Subsystem
Initialization complete
Validating system environment
Validating system memory resources
Cache boundaries are 65%High - 40%Medium - 20%Low
73% of the cache buffers on the server are currently available.
System environment validation has completed
CHECKING SERVER FILES which may need to be updated.Checking module NCSSDK.NLM for possible update.
Version on server is OK.

Done checking server files which may need to be updated.
Checking for cluster services.
Cluster services not available.
Loading dependent modules
Module TLI.NLM is already loaded
Module DSAPI.NLM is already loaded
Module NETDB.NLM is already loaded
Module SMDR.NLM is already loaded
Module TSAFS.NLM is already loaded
Module TSANDS.NLM is already loaded
Loading module NDMPD.NLM

At this point, it goes back to the server prompt and I have no SureStart Manager to start the using my autoloader and use the partitions and so forth. I even use the Wx switch for the x=minutes for time out with 1 minute, 2 minutes , 5 minutes with all the same outcome ........which is nothing. I have 6 Netware servers with the same outcomes. I'm thinking it might be the Service Pack 5 for NetWare 6.0 thats causing the problem, but all the servers I have all see the autoloaders, BackupExec 9.1 does initiate the drive and it scans all 8 tapes with no problem ........but then it times out and I can do anything else from here. I need help !!!! ASAP

Employee Accredited
Try using BECDM.CDM instead of NWASPI.CDM:

Let us know how you get on..


Level 6
Hi Rafael,

Did the steps mentioned in the earlier reply help you resolve the issue?

Moreover we would be moving this query to Backup Exec for Netware.


NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.

Level 3
I updated out Netware Media servers from 9.1 to the latest 9.2 eval and works out very smooth with no problems with either the load or the actual console. I can actually now use the SureStart Manager. Very weird......because nothing has been changed on any of the servers to cause this problem. The only thing I can think of is when I updated all of the NetWare 6.0 servers from service pack 4 to service pack 5.

Yes, I've edit the bestart.ncf files to go back and fourth on the BECDM.CDM and the NWASPI.CDM drivers and still had no luck, but for now I'm having good luck with 9.2 eval. Very strange. Guess I'll have to upate my license. Works very smooth.