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BackupExec Agent Expired EvExtend not working

Level 2

I have been running BackupExec 12.5 for 60 days now. I have most of the product licensed and had the intent to renew my Exchange Agent but didnt get it done in the 60 day trial period. I went a head and purchased it today finding out that it takes 5 days to get the license keys. I need to get my Exchange backups working again so called Symanted and they gaveme EvExtend but when I run it it tells me "The trial period has not expired on this computer". How do I get it so my Exchange Agent isnt showing as expired.


Help I need to get backups working again.


Accepted Solutions

Level 2

I got this resolved. The problem is it took 4 hours of getting passed around Sales to Licensing to sales to technical support back to licensing then back to sales. Put it this way I would never wish it on anyone to call symantec's shitty support. 


I'll elplain a little more details so other in the future can understand this pathetic method of expanding the trial period. I had BackupExec 12.5 installed with the SQL Agent, Open File Agent, and the Exchange Agent. I installed all options at the same time. I had full supported licenses for 12.5 for BE 12.5, 10 Open File Agents, 5 SQL Agents, but Exchange was using the 60 trial period because someone didnt renew the support contract for it and we installed 12.5 after our 10D server crashed.

The first think i did when i realized my trial period finished was to purchase the license for Exchangebut i shortly their after found out that we were talking 3 to 5 days before i got a license key and with the weekend coming in a couple days it most likely would be at least the 5 days. I cant wait that long with out Exchange backups so I started calling Symantec. In my first series of calls I got passed to sales after talking to licensing and they gave me me EvExtend 32bit and that is when i was getting the error message saying "The trial period has not expired on this computer."

I didnt give up their I kept calling because I hoped someone would be able to help and lets face it if your an Exchange Administrator or a DBA you know what happens when your log files fill the drive and you have no space so I had modivation to find a solution. I had confirmation back that I had purchased the Exchange Agent so i figured their had to be a way to get a licesns key since the EvExtend didnt work but it didnt seem to matter to the 5 people i had already talked to but finally I found a lady that could help by the name of Lyn. She was very knowledgable and it didnt take her long to look up my order and turn around and send me a key. Thank you a ton Lyn you saved my rear end.

View solution in original post


Level 6

Hi ,


First of all when you use backup exec in trialware for 60 days it doesnot necessary require agent to have all completed to trial of 60 days


For eg you started to use backup exec s/w in trialware from 1 Nov 2010 so this particular trialware will expire in 60 days but for egample you checked the exchange option on 1 Dec 2010 so your exchange agent license will expire after 60 days


So with backup exec 12.0 & above whenever you start using specific agent like exchange , SQL , your trialware period starts from that day which was good feature so even if your S/W trialwre is expired it will not necessary mean exchange license trialware is expired


To confirm same please click on help-about-license information & check what is exchange license running under & if you are still not sure you can post the snap of license information here


Thank You

   VIP    Certified

What relevance is your information to the user?  His trial period has expired and he is asking how to extend it.  He is not asking how the trial period work.

Level 6

Hi Pkh,


Sorry if i have misundertood the customer description but in his above comment he mention this

called Symanted and they gaveme EvExtend but when I run it it tells me "The trial period has not expired on this computer" so just wanted to give him information about how trialware works


Also I have asked him to post the snap of license information. so sorry if I misunderstood again


Thank You

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

@ itsmeaffinity :

First of all when you use backup exec in trialware for 60 days it doesnot necessary require agent to have all completed to trial of 60 days


What you said is True ... But what will be the use of agent license if the Backup Exec base license is expired?? When the base license itself is expired that you will not be able to take any backups at all.


@Josh: Basically now that you have got the Eval extender, you can install it and continue using Backup Exec in Trial version for an extended evaluation period (not sure its extended to 30 days or 60 days). But make sure that the License keys are installed while the software is in eval period because we can not use the Eval extended for one more time on the server.

In case if you are facing issues to install the Eval extender key you can post the errors on this post OR you can open a case with Symantec Support.




Level 6

Hi Sush,


Again sorry if I misunderstood this line I have been running BackupExec 12.5 for 60 days now. I have most of the product licensed and had the intent to renew my Exchange Agent but didnt get it done in the 60 day trial period. were he says I have most of the product licensed & intend only to renew my exchange licesne so I thought he already has renewed his backupexec base license & now it is license so thinking that I had mention that comment


Thank You

Level 2

I got this resolved. The problem is it took 4 hours of getting passed around Sales to Licensing to sales to technical support back to licensing then back to sales. Put it this way I would never wish it on anyone to call symantec's shitty support. 


I'll elplain a little more details so other in the future can understand this pathetic method of expanding the trial period. I had BackupExec 12.5 installed with the SQL Agent, Open File Agent, and the Exchange Agent. I installed all options at the same time. I had full supported licenses for 12.5 for BE 12.5, 10 Open File Agents, 5 SQL Agents, but Exchange was using the 60 trial period because someone didnt renew the support contract for it and we installed 12.5 after our 10D server crashed.

The first think i did when i realized my trial period finished was to purchase the license for Exchangebut i shortly their after found out that we were talking 3 to 5 days before i got a license key and with the weekend coming in a couple days it most likely would be at least the 5 days. I cant wait that long with out Exchange backups so I started calling Symantec. In my first series of calls I got passed to sales after talking to licensing and they gave me me EvExtend 32bit and that is when i was getting the error message saying "The trial period has not expired on this computer."

I didnt give up their I kept calling because I hoped someone would be able to help and lets face it if your an Exchange Administrator or a DBA you know what happens when your log files fill the drive and you have no space so I had modivation to find a solution. I had confirmation back that I had purchased the Exchange Agent so i figured their had to be a way to get a licesns key since the EvExtend didnt work but it didnt seem to matter to the 5 people i had already talked to but finally I found a lady that could help by the name of Lyn. She was very knowledgable and it didnt take her long to look up my order and turn around and send me a key. Thank you a ton Lyn you saved my rear end.

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

If you have Backup Exec licensed and if only the Agent for Microsoft Exchange is expired then you need to install the License key for Exchange agent. The EvExtend will not work only for any particular agent but it will be for the whole software.

So if Backup Exec is licensed then EvExtender will not work and you will only need the License key for Exchange agent.


EDIT: Ooopps... I think i got late by 6 minutes to post my reply... Happy that your issue is resolved... :)


