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BackupExec database keeps getting corrupted, every week

Level 3
About a month ago, Backup Exec 11d for Windows Servers failed to start; the event log showed that the database was corrupt. I found instructions here to re-build the database, which worked fine... for a few days. Now, each time I fix it, it works for a few days, then is corrupt again.

After the first time it happened, I upgraded Backup Exec; I'm now running 11d Rev. 6235 SP3. After it happened a couple more times, I wondered if there might be a corrupt job; so I created new backup selection lists from scratch, then created new policies to run these backup selection lists, and finally created new jobs from the policies; so the jobs that are running now are totally new jobs that have replaced the jobs which were running before. Yet still, every few days, the database somehow gets corrupt again and backups stop running.

This is getting really frustrating. Has anybody else experienced this? Is there a solution?

Josh Hanson

Partner    VIP    Accredited
We had rev. 6235 installed initially and had endless problems. A lot of the issues were cleared up by installing rev. 7170. My suggestion is to get hold of rev. 7170 from the Symantect website, patch it and load the SPs and then see if it corrups the DB.
I lost count on the number of times in total I had to rebuild databases on our servers running rev. 6235 before upgrading.
Try it and let us know.

Level 3
On the support download page, 7170 is not listed as one of the available updates for 6235. I think there was another forum discussion where somebody said they had to download it from scratch and install it as though it were new software, is that correct? Will I have to uninstall the previous version first? Will I need to have my license key handy? 

EDIT: Actually, going back to the Backup Exec download page, I can't see any way to download 7170 in any form... only six pages of patches and hotfixes for it with very little info. Where do I get this?

Level 6
Try this link

The page still comes up, and I stepped all the way through to the select download, but didn't actually try to download it

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified
It will be a new download, complete software. It is free upgrade to 7170, so need to buy additional or new licenses. Just download the software and run the install, it will upgrade your existing setup, without any loss. You would not need to uninstall and reinstall the software. Older agents would need to be upgraded by doing a push install of remote agent.