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BackupExecRPCService failed to start after reinstallation

Level 4

This is the contiuing odyssey following some autoloader errors which necessitated some firmware updates which caused the autoloader to go MIA which then necessitated a reinstallation of Backup Exec 2010. Before uninstalling, I followed the directions in TECH62744 which outline how to save and restore catalogs and job definitions while reinstalling BEX on the same server.

When I first start BEX everthing is fine. All services start, all devices are recognized.

However, when I replace the catalog and data directories (following the directions from TECH62744 again) and try to start up BEX services I've been getting errors indicating several services are failing to startup.


The service Backup Exec DLO Administration Service has been stopped on GLAURUNG.
Stopping Backup Exec Agent Browser on GLAURUNG.
The service Backup Exec Agent Browser on GLAURUNG is already stopped.
Stopping Backup Exec Job Engine on GLAURUNG.
The service Backup Exec Job Engine on GLAURUNG is already stopped.
Stopping Backup Exec Server on GLAURUNG.
The service Backup Exec Server on GLAURUNG is already stopped.
Stopping Backup Exec Device & Media Service on GLAURUNG.
The service Backup Exec Device & Media Service has been stopped on GLAURUNG.
Stopping Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows Systems on GLAURUNG.
The service Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows Systems has been stopped on GLAURUNG.
Start services on server: GLAURUNG
Starting Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows Systems on GLAURUNG.
Service Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows Systems on GLAURUNG is not responding to the start command.
Error starting the service Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows Systems on GLAURUNG.  Error code returned: 

Starting Backup Exec Device & Media Service on GLAURUNG.
The service Backup Exec Device & Media Service has been started on GLAURUNG.
Starting Backup Exec Server on GLAURUNG.
Error starting the service Backup Exec Server on GLAURUNG.  Error code returned: 

Starting Backup Exec Job Engine on GLAURUNG.
Error starting the service Backup Exec Job Engine on GLAURUNG.
The dependency service or group failed to start.

Starting Backup Exec Agent Browser on GLAURUNG.
Error starting the service Backup Exec Agent Browser on GLAURUNG.
The dependency service or group failed to start.

Starting Backup Exec DLO Administration Service on GLAURUNG.
Service Backup Exec DLO Administration Service on GLAURUNG is not responding to the start command.
Error starting the service Backup Exec DLO Administration Service on GLAURUNG.  Error code returned: 

Starting Backup Exec DLO Maintenance Service on GLAURUNG.
The service Backup Exec DLO Maintenance Service has been started on GLAURUNG.
Start services on server GLAURUNG completed.
Processing services completed!


I then opened a command window and got the beserver console open to find the following:

C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec>beserver -console
[6176] 07/15/14 13:28:25 -1 Performance counter initialization failed: 5
[6176] 07/15/14 13:28:31 -1 Starting beserver console application
[10744] 07/15/14 13:28:31 -1 Starting Service: BackupExecRPCService
[10744] 07/15/14 13:28:31 -1 Entered RpcXfaceServiceMain.
[10744] 07/15/14 13:28:31 -1 Sending start status to scm. (hint 300000)..
[10744] 07/15/14 13:28:31 -1 SetServiceStatus: state: SERVICE_START_PENDING check point: 1 wait hint: 300000
[10744] 07/15/14 13:28:31 -1 Checking service rights and pending reboots.
[10744] 07/15/14 13:28:31 -1 Checking for pending install reboot.
[10744] 07/15/14 13:28:31 -1    Pending install reboot not detected.
[10744] 07/15/14 13:28:31 -1 Checking to see if start up checks have been disabled.
[10744] 07/15/14 13:28:31 -1 No start up checks have been disabled.
[10744] 07/15/14 13:28:31 -1 Opening process token.
[10744] 07/15/14 13:28:31 -1 Getting token SID.
[10744] 07/15/14 13:28:31 -1 Got current SID: 'S-1-5-21-3524581212-2898002159-385298865-1108'.
[10744] 07/15/14 13:28:31 -1 Checking for local system account.
[10744] 07/15/14 13:28:31 -1 Got local system SID: 'S-1-5-18'.
[10744] 07/15/14 13:28:31 -1 Not running as local system account.
[10744] 07/15/14 13:28:31 -1 Checking for admin privileges.
[10744] 07/15/14 13:28:31 -1    ERROR: Current user does not have admin privileges.
[10744] 07/15/14 13:28:31 -1 Checking for specific required rights.
[10744] 07/15/14 13:28:31 -1    Checking for 'Backup Files and Directories' privilege.
[10744] 07/15/14 13:28:31 -1            LookupPrivilegeValue( ) found privilege.

[10744] 07/15/14 13:28:31 -1            ERROR: AdjustTokenPrivileges( ) could not enable privilege ( 0x514 ).
[10744] 07/15/14 13:28:31 -1    Checking for 'Restore Files and Directories' privilege.
[10744] 07/15/14 13:28:31 -1            LookupPrivilegeValue( ) found privilege.

[10744] 07/15/14 13:28:31 -1            ERROR: AdjustTokenPrivileges( ) could not enable privilege ( 0x514 ).
[10744] 07/15/14 13:28:31 -1    Checking for 'Create a Token Object' privilege.
[10744] 07/15/14 13:28:31 -1            LookupPrivilegeValue( ) found privilege.

[10744] 07/15/14 13:28:31 -1            ERROR: AdjustTokenPrivileges( ) could not enable privilege ( 0x514 ).
[10744] 07/15/14 13:28:31 -1    Checking for 'Manage Auditing and Security Log'privilege.
[10744] 07/15/14 13:28:31 -1            LookupPrivilegeValue( ) found privilege.

[10744] 07/15/14 13:28:31 -1            ERROR: AdjustTokenPrivileges( ) could not enable privilege ( 0x514 ).
[10744] 07/15/14 13:28:31 -1    Checking for 'Take ownership of files and otherobjects' privilege.
[10744] 07/15/14 13:28:31 -1            LookupPrivilegeValue( ) found privilege.

[10744] 07/15/14 13:28:31 -1            ERROR: AdjustTokenPrivileges( ) could not enable privilege ( 0x514 ).
[10744] 07/15/14 13:28:31 -1    Not checking for 'Act as part of the operating system' privilege as it is not needed for this environment.
[10744] 07/15/14 13:28:31 -1 Initializing ACE...
[10744] 07/15/14 13:28:31 -1 Cblmanger, shutdown Immenient: started.
[10744] 07/15/14 13:28:31 -1 Cblmanger, shutdown Immenient: complete.
[10744] 07/15/14 13:28:31 -1 Cblmanger, check shutdown Ready: started.
[10744] 07/15/14 13:28:31 -1 Cblmanger, check shutdown ready: complete.
[10744] 07/15/14 13:28:32 -1 Initializing work queue...
[10744] 07/15/14 13:28:32 -1 Read from Registry: DBTimeoutInSec=30 ServerInternal=0x0Error.  HR:0x80004005.
[10744] 07/15/14 13:29:06 -1 Persistent Store initialization failed:-1
[10744] 07/15/14 13:29:06 -1 Server Connection String = Application Name=BEWS Server;Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=BEDB;Data Source=Glaurung\BkupExec;Locale Identifier=1033;
[10744] 07/15/14 13:29:06 -1 Initializing Persistent Store (, , Backup Exec Server, 30 seconds)...
[10744] 07/15/14 13:29:06 -1 Attemp to GetMyPartition ComputerName=GLAURUNG PartitionID=0 PartitionGUID=fddfaddc-d54f-43bc-bd0b-b2821dfd2266
[10744] 07/15/14 13:29:06 -1 InitializePartition() Data partition ID from registry=0
[10744] 07/15/14 13:29:07 -1 InitializePartition() DB_Exception caught! native=0x10d9
[10744] 07/15/14 13:29:07 -1 InitializePartition() returning 0x10d9
[10744] 07/15/14 13:29:07 -1 Unable to obtain partition data, error 0x10d9
[10744] 07/15/14 13:29:07 -1 Business object initialization failed: 4313
[10744] 07/15/14 13:29:07 -1 RpcXfaceServiceMain: InitializeBOs() failed, BO:-1, nRet:4313


I've rechecked and reset the Logon Credentials several times to the single account I've been using for the past 8 years for backups. All to no avail. 

I tried digging into the individual priviledges and didn't see anything amiss there either although I'm far from an expert when it comes to juggling permissions.

I then tried a dB repair using BEUtility.exe as well as a dB restore but still have errors when starting the services.

Starting database recovery.
Stopping Services
Stopping services for server:GLAURUNG.
Server:GLAURUNG, Service:BackupExecAgentBrowser stopped successfully or was not running.
Server:GLAURUNG, Service:BackupExecJobEngine stopped successfully or was not running.
Server:GLAURUNG, Service:BackupExecRPCService stopped successfully or was not running.
Server:GLAURUNG, Service:BackupExecDeviceMediaService stopped successfully or was not running.
Stopping services for server GLAURUNG completed.
Performing database recovery for BEDB database.
Starting Services
Starting services for server:GLAURUNG.
Server:GLAURUNG, Service:BackupExecDeviceMediaService started successfully.
Server:GLAURUNG, Service:BackupExecRPCService failed to start.
Server:GLAURUNG, Service:BackupExecJobEngine failed to start.
Error: (1068) - The dependency service or group failed to start.

Server:GLAURUNG, Service:BackupExecAgentBrowser failed to start.
Error: (1068) - The dependency service or group failed to start.

Starting services for server GLAURUNG completed.
Database recovery for server GLAURUNG ended with errors.


Any help would be appreciated.


Accepted Solutions

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

Try these steps in order:-

Open a command prompt with elevated privileges and run the following commands:-

c:\> OSQL -E -S .\bkupexec
1> USE bedb
2> GO
1> UPDATE DataPartition SET PartitionGUID='fddfaddc-d54f-43bc-bd0b-b2821dfd2266' WHERE PartitionID =0
2> Go

I have taken the GUID from the above mentioned log.

Restart the BE services post these steps. If these do not help, browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Server\

And delete the registry value named DataPartitionGUID. Try to restart the BE services.



View solution in original post


Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

Try these steps in order:-

Open a command prompt with elevated privileges and run the following commands:-

c:\> OSQL -E -S .\bkupexec
1> USE bedb
2> GO
1> UPDATE DataPartition SET PartitionGUID='fddfaddc-d54f-43bc-bd0b-b2821dfd2266' WHERE PartitionID =0
2> Go

I have taken the GUID from the above mentioned log.

Restart the BE services post these steps. If these do not help, browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Server\

And delete the registry value named DataPartitionGUID. Try to restart the BE services.



Level 4

Well that certainly woke it up. I immediately got 42 emails from BEX complaining of missed jobs! I did have to go in and restart the services a second time but they seem stable for now.

However, after running an Inventory on the loaded tapes, they all show up as Retired and have been put into the Media Set "Discarded Media". Oddly, when I look at the same tapes on the media tab they are still active and in the correct Media set. How can I return them to the correct Media Set and not lose their data or catalogs?




Level 4

Well that certainly woke it up. I got a host of email notices from BEX complaining of missed jobs.

I did have to restart the services twice but they appear stable now. I then did an inventory of the autoloader which succeeded.

However, now all the tapes in the autoloader have been retired and moved to the Media Set "Discarded Media". Oddly enough, when I look at those same tapes on the Media tab they still show as active and are still in the correct media set.

How can I "un-retire" these tapes and not lose their data or catalogs?

   VIP    Certified

If the tapes are in two places, then the BEDB could be corrupt.  Go to the BE installation directory and use BEUtility to repair the BEDB.