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Can't restore Individual Mail items. Backup Exec 12.5d

Not applicable
Help.  I'm experiencing problems restoring individual mail items after a GRT backup of the information store.   I'm currently running Backup Exec 12.5 Rev 2213.  When I choose an individual mail item in a mailbox to restore I get the following error message.  Anyone have any clues on fixing this issue?

Job name : TestIS restore
Job type : Restore
Job status : Failed
Job log : C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Data\BEX_AMBER_01771.xml
Server name : AMBER
Selection list name : TestIS restore

Device name : IBM 2
Target name : All Devices (AMBER)
Media set name :
All Media UsedA00019

Error category : Resource ErrorsError : e00002f9 - One or more messages were skipped because MAPI failed to enumerate the messages. Review the job log for more information.
For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-57344-761


Level 6
Yes you can resore individual items from the Exchange store. Not just email messages, you can restore calendar, tasks, etc..

It is really quite simple to do. I have found that according to the users guide, the Information Store will need to be dismounted and then remounted after the excerise. I have always selected "mount after restore", but to be honest, I don't think it does dismount the store. Generally speaking, it takes a minute or two to dismount the store and then remount it - I have never noticed the store to go "offline" while doing a restore to exchange of an individaul item or even someone's inbox.

When the restore completes, the items that were restored are back in the users mailbox. Backup Exec sends that user an email explaining that some items have been restored.

When I restore individual mailbox items, I select the following:
Restore all transaction logs, do not delete existing transaction logs (no loss restore)
Commit after restore completes
Mount Database after restore
I DO NOT select "Dismount before restore".

If you are concerned about what to select - use the "Guide me" solution.

Partner    VIP    Accredited
No need to dismount your Information Store and take all your users offline.
Read this article I wrote which allows you to restore individual items while the IS is still live and active:

Level 4
This guy is having a problem with a specific error.  Answering with "yes you can..." doesn't help.  I wish people on this forum would hold their responses to useful answers to the posted question.  Unfortunately I don't have an answer for this one either, I'm (still after 2 years) having problems of my own.  So I guess I'm doing the same thing I just said not to do.  oh well.

Partner    VIP    Accredited
Well then, I guess it's time to ask some USEFUL questions:

1. Are you able to temporarily restore your Information Store at least, and then does it give you that error? Or does it fail afterwards.
2. Have you ensured that the drive you're (temporarily restoring ALL of Exchange) restoring too has enough space? This was something pointed out to me by Symantec. under your Restore section for Exchange, it points to C:\temp. This needs to be changed to a drive with enough space.
3. Have you tried logging the user off before restoring the specific files?
4. What exactly are you trying to restore?

I was quite right in saying you don't need to dismount your Information Store, because with the number of times I have restored individual emails (which is a pain!), I haven't had to do this, and there has been no impact on the rest of the users.
If all else fails, and it looks like a very weird error, call Symantec. The guys are really quite helpful. They should be able to solve it, and if not, escalate it to an Advanced Team engineer.

Level 4
Tru duplicating to disk and then restore the individual email from there.


Partner    VIP    Accredited
Rever: Read my first post with an article I wrote on how to do this.