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Can't see a backup job in restore tab

Level 4

I want to restore data from an old tape. The problem is that the backup job that wrote data on the old tape is performed every day, so I do not see the job in the restore tab, but I know that the data still on the tape, because this tape hasn't been use after to store data.

How can I restore this data?

Thank you.

Level 6
If you are sure that the tape has not been re-used

Inventory the tape, then catalog it. After this you should be able to select the files from the Restore Tab

Level 4
There are 2 jobs on the tape. The first job is a normal backup that happens 1 time a year, and the other one is a normal backup too, but happens every day.

So when I inventory the tape and catalog it, I receive a message saying that this tape is already cataloged and I can't select the data I want to restore, because the data has been backup by the job that happen every day.

Is there a way I can restore the data?

Thank you.

Level 6
I'm a little confused here

The first job is a normal backup that happens 1 time a year,

OK, no problem

the other one is a normal backup too, but happens every day.

Thsi other job, is it append? How often do you run it? Sounds like the tape would fill up real fast if it is append

You can also shut down all BackupExec services, rename the catalogs directory (eg:catalogs.sav) and restart the services. BackupExec should create a new-empty catalogs directory. Inventory and catalog again (make sure that "Use media based catalogs" is NOT checked.

This should read the tape itself and rebuild the catalog for every file that exists on that tape

Level 4
Yes the second job runs every day, but has happend only 1 time on this tape. Every other time the job runs, the backup is store on another tape that is use every day.

If I rename the catalogs directory, restore my data and then copy back the catalogs directory, will I find the catalog just like it was before?

Level 6
If you delete the U01 file that corresponds to the corrupt catalog for that tape from the production \Catalogs dir and copy the one from your temp \Catalogs dir, then delete BETOPCAT.IDX and restart the services, you should be good to go