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Cant backup remote W98 machine

Level 2

I'm having trouble backing up a particular Win98 machine on my network. Other machines, both XP and 98 get backed up, but this one is giving me grief. My setup is BackupExec 10d and Win Server 2003 basic.

I'm trying to backup one shared folder on this machine. I installed RAS 5.030 checked and rechecked the configuration of the Veritas Backup Agent in Network Neighborhood|properties. It is identical to other Win98 machines that are getting backed up.

Back in BackupExec, if I go to the properties of the backup job and click on resouces and credentials, and do a Test All, the test passes which means I have the proper credentials to access the machine from the media server. However, on the nightly backups, I get the following error:

>>Backup- SERVERThe Media Server was unable to connect to remote machine: >>PROGRAMMER using selected subnet:

Where SERVER( is the name of the media server and PROGRAMMER( is the name of the remote Win98 machine.

Now, one thing I noticed is that when the resources and credentials test runs, although it says the test passed to access the machine, the actual shared folder remains not tested. This is true for all W98 machines (just thought I'd mention that...)

Heres what I tried so far with no luck:
Go to Tools|options|network and firewall and changed the default net i/f from use any available to the specific nic in my media server, check the box next to "use any available network route for remote...etc, check the box next to Enable remote agent TCP dynamic port range (and accepted the default port range) then restarted the backup service.

And just one more thing to add to my confusion....the media server initiates a backup to a remote computer on remote port 10000 and does the actual backup on some random port the server and remote machine agree upon. If I scan the XP machines, I see port 10000 is open, as expected. However, when I scan the 98 machines, port 10000 is not open; on machines that do get backed up as well as the grief machine.

So heres my question: If I can ping the machine, if the machine passes the resource and credentials test, if I can browse the shared resouce folder from explorer, why is the media server complaining that it cant connect to PROGRAMMER??? What can I do to troubleshoot this problem and find out why the media server is complaining??

Thanks in advance for the help


Level 6
if you logon to the media server as the BackupExec service account, can you map and connect to the shared folder on this box

Level 2
Thanks for you answer, but I'm still looking to figure out why some W98 machines are getting backedup and this particular one isn't. From a BackupExec standpoint, they are all configured the same.....I installed the remote agent on each machine, in the BackupExec selection list I selected the shared folder to backup and let 'er rip. Some 98 machines get backedup but this on in particular is a problem. What is the remote agent looking for that its not getting? I didn't have to specifically map any of the other 98 machines to back them up.

Thanks again.

Level 6
I was just trying to see if there might be a rights problem on that machine. If the service account can access shares on that Win98 machine, then about all that you can do is uninstall the agent, boot and re-install

AFAIK, there isn't anything you can tweak (but it has been years and a different BE version since I backed up Win98 machines)

Level 4
-- You can also try uninstall and reinstall of this RA alternatively.

Level 3
Hello, Steve Foschino.
I'am sorry that i'm posting here. but accoding the problem you discribe you have solved the problem that i have. So can you explane me how can I install Veritas Backup Agent to W98 machine with a local instalation.The document does not help because I can't run setupaofo.cmd on W98.
Thanks a million, Mike.

Level 6
SetupAOFO.cmd would install the Advanced Open File Option explains how to install the Win9x agent

Level 2

Go to the installation folder of backup exec and in the \NT\Agents\W9x folder, you'll find the remote agent setup for Win9x, ME. Copy the folder to the taget machine and run setup.exe.

After that, you will have to add and configue the backup exec agent service. Go to Network Neighborhood|properties|Add|Service and select Veritas Backup Exec Agent.

Select the properties of the agent and tell it the name of the media server and the protocol to use.

Thats as far as I got. The remote agent seems to be up and running on the W98 machine, but is still failing the actual backup.


Level 2
Hi all, I have an update to my problem......

I created a new backup job with just the problem machine in it (PROGRAMMER). It ran successfully. So I went back to my nightly backup and removed all the W98 machines. It too ran successfully. When I put the problem machine back in the nightly backup, it failed with the same error as described above:
>>Backup- SERVER The Media Server was unable to connect to remote machine: >>PROGRAMMER using selected subnet:

Where SERVER( is the name of the media server and PROGRAMMER( is the name of the remote Win98 machine.