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Connecting to local media server - Hanging every day - Error: An unexpected database exception occurred

Level 3


I finally figured out a long standing issue with VSS that I had been dealing with for well over a week. However, now that problem is fixed I have yet another that started halfway through my troubleshooting of the other issue.

When I open Backupexec each morning, the screen hangs on "Connecting to local media server" and errors out with a "An unexpected database exception occurred".

Does anyone have an idea on this one? My backup exec is 11d fully updated with the latest service pack. The backup exec is installed on my primary SQL server, so it is difficult to reboot as much as I need to while troubleshooting. I am going to try to do it tonight and see if it fixes anything.

There is also the database maintenace that occurs nightly that could be running at the same time as my full nightly backup, but it has always done that.

Solution (current):

If I restart all of the services I am able to log in no problem. Weird.


Your help is appreciated in advance,

Trent Greenawalt


Level 3

Oh, I forgot to note that the backups are now successfully running and I have the tape eject at the end of the run. The complete backup cycle with verification takes 6.5 hours.

Thanks again,

Trent Greenawalt

Partner    VIP    Accredited

Hi Trent,


I'd start with a DB repair in BEutility.exe, followed by a database indices rebuild. Both do nothign to the DB, but detect and fix, and reorganise your BEDB.

Post the results if it still continues, and we can take it from there...



Level 3

HI Craig,


Thanks for the advice.

Can I run this while people are in SQL in my ERP app? How much of a load will it put on my server.



Trent Greenawalt

Partner    VIP    Accredited will only do maintenance on the SQL DB for Backup Exec...nothing else.

So you can do this live...

Level 3

Ok, I ran both that you suggested and rebooted the machine. We will see what it does on Monday when I get back in.

Thanks again for your help,

Trent Greenawalt

Level 3

No luck, it still hangs when i attempt to open Backup exec. Also, when I ran the fixes above it much have restarted my services, because it kicked everyone out of our ERP system and this morning when I came in our SQL agent wasn't running so none of my triggers were firing. I fixed the SQL agent issue, and restarted our ERP core and now everything is running ok.


Problem is that Backup exec still hangs when I log in. After restarting the core backup exec services in Control panel > services I was able to get in again.


Any other ideas?


Trent Greenawalt

Level 3

Good morning,

So we are still trying to identify what is going on here. I have tried the following after yesterday's attempts didn't work.

This was also happening and I thought it was fixed but my event viewer is still full: 

IMPORTANT NOTE: You cannot run the fixes above without stopping and starting your SQL services. Also once this is complete, double check that your SQL agent starts backup. This is now two days in a row that it didn't and it caused all kinds of errors and processes not to run.

So this morning when I logged in I got the same errors:

The screen hangs on "Connecting to local media server" and errors out with a "An unexpected database exception occurred" after about 5 minutes. 

These errors are showing up in the alerts window:
Maintenance of application databases on server "Server" has started.

One thing I noticed is that there is never a "completed" message?

A ton of these:
The device, \Device\Scsi\adpu3201, did not respond within the timeout period.

A few of these:  
 RSM cannot manage library Tape0. The database is corrupt.
 (Not within the last few days after the database repairs that I ran)

In event viewer:

Hanging application BkupExec.exe, version 11.0.6235.34, hang module hungapp, version, hang address 0x00000000.


Event Type: Information
Event Source: Backup Exec
Event Category: (65535)
Event ID: 57345
Date:  10/19/2010
Time:  8:09:24 AM
User:  N/A
Computer: APSQL2
Database Exception Context:{CALL dbo.[AutoClearAlert](?,?,?)} Error:-536837662: :: -2147217871:Timeout expired :: DB Error Set 0: native=0xffffffff source=Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server hr=0x80040e31 Timeout expired

 For more information, click the following link:


Event Type: Error
Event Source: Application Hang
Event Category: None
Event ID: 1001
Date:  10/18/2010
Time:  4:22:39 PM
User:  N/A
Computer: APSQL2
Fault bucket 771345685.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at
0000: 42 75 63 6b 65 74 3a 20   Bucket:
0008: 37 37 31 33 34 35 36 38   77134568
0010: 35 0d 0a                  5..    

 This is getting quite frustrating. I really don't want to uninstall, reinstall. Can I create a new database from scratch or would that completely screw things up?

Your help is appreciated,








Level 3

Our backup exec installation is still doing this on occassion, not everyday but most days. If I start and stop the services each day, the backup runs perfectly fine each night. If I forget and log in there is roughly a 50/50 chance the backup will fail or not run at all.

We feel that this error is the root of the cause. We have turned on the clear alerts functions, but it doesn't seem to be working.

Event Type: Information
Event Source: Backup Exec
Event Category: (65535)
Event ID: 57345
Date:  12/3/2010
Time:  2:22:13 PM
User:  N/A
Computer: APSQL2
Database Exception Context:{CALL dbo.[AutoClearAlert](?,?,?)} Error:-536837662: :: -2147217871:Timeout expired :: DB Error Set 0: native=0xffffffff source=Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server hr=0x80040e31 Timeout expired

 For more information, click the following link:

The autoclearalert doesn't seem to be working?


Any thoughts on this issue?


Trent Greenawalt