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Continual B2D Failures (Every other night) - AOFO Snapshot Errors

Level 2
I am having repeated trouble with one of my client's Backup Exec system.  Every other night my backup seems to fail.  The server its on is a bit problematic, as it was set up and poorly maintained by another consultant.  Its being replaced, but in the meantime, I need backups to work. 

I am backing up to a 750 GB external USB drive.  There is plenty of space for five nights and the AOFO store.  The system is Windows 2k3 Small Biz Server, with 1 GB of ram and a 3 GHZ processor.  Memory is typically at 70% utilization, including heavy paging.  My Backup Exec is 11D Small Biz Edition with the following hotfixes installed: 1 and 2-14 (There is no 2 for some reason.)

I am beginning to suspect the communications over the usb bus are occassionally failing.  The drive perhaps is unavailable for a moment or two and so Backup Exec tanks.  Are there any hidden settings where I can tell Backup Exec to just keep trucking?  Can I adjust time out errors and the like?  I want to force it to continue, because the drive is still there. 

I have searched the errors over and over again and I'm just not pleased with what I find on them.  I need to better understand what is happening here, so I can get it fixed.  A backup should be reliable and this is simply way too much work for me to be freakin' babysitting the program all the time and then forcing backups to run manually.

I have failed with the following errors multiple times:

Monitor Title: "Event Log Errors" (Type=Event Log Monitor)
* Event Time: 9/11/2007 1:25:56 PM
* Backup Exec Error Event
* Event ID: 34113
* Backup Exec Alert: Job Failed
(Server: "SERVER01") (Job: "Monday Backup - COMPANYNAME") Monday Backup - COMPANYNAME -- The job failed with the following error: An error occurred during the snapshot cleanup, or could not locate a snapped volume from which to back up.


Monitor Title: "Event Log Errors" (Type=Event Log Monitor)
* Event Time: 9/11/2007 4:19:49 AM
* Backup Exec Error Event
* Event ID: 34113
* Backup Exec Alert: Job Failed
(Server: "SERVER01") (Job: "Monday Backup - Cornerstone") Monday Backup - Cornerstone -- The job failed with the following error: Ran out of memory

(This one makes some sense as the machine is memory starved, but it still shouldn't be crashing.  The new server I ordered has 4 GB of ram and a wuad processor, if I get this error again then I know the program is BSing me. :) )


Monitor Title: "Event Log Errors" (Type=Event Log Monitor)
* Event Time: 9/8/2007 1:39:27 AM
* Backup Exec Error Event
* Event ID: 34113
* Backup Exec Alert: Job Failed
(Server: "SERVER01") (Job: "Friday Backup - COMPANYNAME") Friday Backup - COMPANYNAME -- The job failed with the following error: A communications failure has occurred.

Last night I tried to turn off the AOFD and resubmit the job.  Of course the task scheduler decided to fail.  I've seen this before to, jobs are scheduled but won't launch.  Last time I deleted all of the jobs and recreated them. 

Any and all help is appreciated.  If you've seen this before, or if there is a good article to point me to, let me know.

Thanks much,


Level 2
Any thoughts at all?  I know some of you here are experts at whipping this program into shape.  Oh and sorry about the smiley faces, I guess it converted the colons and such in my error messages to smiley faces.  Weird.

Thanks all,


Level 3
How much space left on disk, on the server?

Level 2
Backups are between 100-115 GB every night, five nights a week.  So the disk typically has about 150 GB free at any time.  The server has two partitions, C and D.  D has about 100GB free and C has about 10 GB free.
