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Continuation server 10d

Level 3
I have installed CPS onto a windows 2003 r2 server that sits in a SBS 2003 domain, I installed the software onto the sbs 2003 server.

Everything seemed to well, but when I try running a backup job I receive the following in the job log.

06/12/2006 17:50:04 - The pair on source computer 'SERVER', destination computer 'BACKUP02' has started.
06/12/2006 17:50:04 - A File Share Named Object file I/O error has occurred. Please check if the disk is full. V-167-0-1078
06/12/2006 17:50:04 - A File Share Named Object file I/O error has occurred. Please check if the disk is full. V-167-0-1078
06/12/2006 17:50:04 - A File Share Named Object file I/O error has occurred. Please check if the disk is full. V-167-0-1078

06/12/2006 17:50:06 - The File Share Named Object is out of date on the computer 'server'.
06/12/2006 17:50:06 - The pair on source computer 'SERVER', destination computer 'BACKUP02' for job 'Backup Job 1' canceled due to an error. : Unable to acquire all of the file share information from 'SERVER' in order to backup or restore the file shares to 'BACKUP02'. Some file shares may not have been processed correctly. V-167-0-1027
06/12/2006 17:50:06 - Job 'Backup Job 1' has been canceled.

I don't know what the problem is, I tried searching the veritas website and it has no ideas.

Please help