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Custom Filters don't save after exiting program

Level 3
is there a fix in the works for this?

Level 6
The filters are saved, have you checked from the drop down list for the saved custom filter.Message was edited by:
Zerene Sangma

Level 6

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Level 3
the filters are saved on the backup exec server. However we have clients that use the console and the filters are not saved on these clients.

Level 6

Does it happen that when you create a custom filter in BE, it does not reflect to the console and also custom filter created in console does not reflect in BE.

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Level 3
that is correct.

If i create a custom filter on the BE server those filters are saved and i see them every time i log in to BE on the BE Server.

If i open my BE remote console on my workstation i do not see any custom filters and this is where filters are not saved even if i do create new ones.

Thanks in advance for your assistance in this matter.

Level 6

This is by design. Because users may open more than one instance of the Backup Exec UI, users have a potential to have one Backup Exec UI overwrite the custom filters changes made by the other. Now users can make changes to custom filters in one Backup Exec UI, launch another Backup Exec UI and see the changes made in the old one appear in the new one.

The safest way to manage custom filters is to reate/delete/modify custom filters with one Backup Exec UI. Custom filters should not be created/deleted/modified
when more than one Backup Exec UI is open.

NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.

Level 3
That answers it, thanks!

Level 3
The trick is to create a folder called Data in
C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\
This folder is not created when you install the console only.

Hope that helps,