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DLO Error

Level 3
I've Installed DLO With a group policy in active directory. When in start up my computer DLO installs, and gives me the following error:

DLO Desktop Agent

Failed to load configuration settings.
The database server name is not specified in the registry. ()

But i have configured everything correctly, I'm sure. Because when i go to the network share and install the DLO client manually with the setup.exe it works fine!?Message was edited by:

Level 3
Doesn't anyone have the answer, or a pointer!?
Please help!

Level 6

Please check to make sure that the MSSQL$BKUPEXECDLO service and backup exec DLO administrator servicebackup exec DLO administrator service are both started on the media server.

This technote gives more information:

Are there firewalls in between these two machines? Are you going through a VPN?

This is an internal Sun WAN, the only thing that may be an issue is that some machines may be on different Subnets.

Please let me know if these technotes help to resolve the issue.
If you continue experiencing issues please write back with update

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Level 3
I have checked if MSSQL$BKUPEXECDLO service and backup exec DLO administrator servicebackup exec DLO administrator service are both started on the media server.
and also read the technote

But the service where already started and i've stopped them and restarted them but with no result.

There is no firewall between the two machines, maybe the one from Win XP SP2?

The machine is on the same subnet so the could not be the problem?

Level 4

Level 3
I've tried these two options but they are not the sollution to the problem. It is a brand new installation and there are no users yet, so i've tried to make a text file in the root of te backup Dir, but that doesnt seems to work.

For the other link, It is'nt a sollution to go around the company to modify the registry on every worstation.

But the strange thing about this problem is that when i install the DLO client, with the Setup.exe over the network, It works fine. and gives no errors!? why does that work and when i install with the MSI package it doesnt work!?

Level 6

Backup Exec for Windows Servers Desktop and Laptop Option (DLO) utilizes an MSDE database to maintain configuration information for clients and data stores. When a DLO Client system starts, the DLO Client will attempt to connect to the DLO media server and initialize the database and determine if and/or when a backup will need to be performed.

If the DLO Client is unable to contact the DLO media server due to a failure to connect over UDP port 445, the DLO Client can be configured to connect via TCP port 445 by creating the following registry key:

Open regedit and browse to

With Client highlighted on the left hand pane, right click the right hand pane and select New > DWORD Value

For the Key name input: DBUsePipeAddress

For the key value make it 1

After adding the above registry key the DLO Client should then be able to connect to the DLO media server.

NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answeredand would be moved toanswered questions pool.

Level 3
I have tried this but it was already in the registry:

Open regedit and browse to
With Client highlighted on the left hand pane, right click the right hand pane and select New > DWORD Value
For the Key name input: DBUsePipeAddress
For the key value make it 1

I Have also checked:

E:\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\Agents\DLO\Setup.ini

In the Setup.ini File The right server is defined:

CmdLine=/qf DEFAULTMEDIASERVER="Servername" LAUNCHCLIENT="1" /l*v "%TEMP%\DLOAgentInstall.log"

So i think that something else must be the problem?

Level 6

We suggest you to refer the following document:-

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