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Database Reliability - your thoughts please

Level 4
I've just experienced yet another corruption of the BackupExec database with the end result that Veritas support have deleted all my duplicate jobs and asked me to re-create them.

This is now the 4th time I've had a major problem with the database in 18 months. The previous 3 ended up with me being advised to delete the database and recreate my entire backup plan from scratch.

What are your experiences with the BackupExec database? I'm very curious to know just how many users have been affected with these kinds of problems. It seems to me that neither the database nor Veritas' ability to repair problems with it are as robust as I would expect for a backup solution at this level.

Ross Smith
Network Manager
Robinson Construction

Level 6
I along with many,many others have had the problem with the duplicate jobs freaking out, and having to delete/recreate them. I think it was you who helped me with the delete/recreate 'fix' (thanks again).

However, I haven't had any severe problems with the database as far as dropping it and restoring it from the bedb.bak copy or starting over again. I would imagine experiences would vary by how complex the environment is (number of policies, schedules, CASO, SSO, media). My database (*mdf) is only ~60MB, so perhaps that's not a complex enough comparison.

Just curious- did you receive errors during the nightly Database maintenance (default at 4:00AM) I just wonder if the database was truly bad (corrupt), as opposed to the Veritas tech taking the easy path and having you recreate everything (what do they care, it's not their data) so he could close the request. There is a check box for checking the database indexes during the nightly backup.

Level 6

Are you getting any errors during duplicate backups?

Have you referred this technote:

NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked "assumed answered" and would be moved to "answered questions" pool.

Level 4
Oh, FFS!!!

Have you even read my post??? At which point did I mention that I had problems with backups??

To be honest, the only reason I'm bothering to reply to you is because this question isn't answered and I take objection to you marking it "assumed answered". What do you do? Pick an old question, post some random nonsense & hope the author doesn't object so you get more questions flagged as "answered" by yourself?

Now go away and stop interfering with this thread.


PS. By the way, yes I've referred to that technote. In fact I practically wrote the 2nd part of it. Go away and check Veritas' history on that article; you'll find I was the one who discovered the problem with duplicate jobs & who pushed Veritas support into documenting the problem. You'll even find that at one point that article actually quoted verbatim one of my own e-mails to Veritas.

Level 6
I had once a problem with the database (might have been in v9.x) where a script had to been run which resolved the issue.
(Actually, Veritas support sent me a script for the English version which I clearly stated I was not using at this time and even this had about 4 errors in it, furtunately a guy from our programming department could fix it).
It was the issue where, due to a problem with the database, the dubilcate jobs did not run.

At least I have the impression that the move to a MS SQL database did not increase relyabilty nor speed.

Ross, on the other hand the support people here needed only one month to reply! .-)


Level 6
We apologise for the delay in responding.

Could you Update us on the issue?


Note : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked ?assumed answered? and would be moved to ?answered questions? pool.


Level 6
Given the previous content of this thread, it's almost amusing that it gets updated after 3 months...

Level 6
Hello ,
As we do not have any reply from you, can we go ahead and close the thread?


Note : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked �assumed answered� and would be moved to �answered questions� pool.
