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Delays after backup

Level 3
Hi everybody,

One customer of ours has a Windows 2000 server with veritas backup exec for windows server... some copy days... starts the copy and veifies correctly... but later it stays till 5 o'clock in the morning when the BEDB manteinance job starts and then after 4 or 5 seconds the backup job finishes... In the logs you can see the copy lasts 10 minutes and the verification another 10 more... but later why is it waiting till the bedb manteinance job and then when the bedb manteinance job finishes finishes the backup task too?

Thank you very much to everybody

Level 6

Please note that by default BEDB maintanance time is 4.00am so you can schedule the backup job accordingly.

NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.

Level 3
Ok but my back ups last 20 minutes more or less and start at 00:00 so it finish at 00:30 with the verification... so it should be finished... don't you think so?

Have a nice day thank you very much for all

Level 6
Do you have "Eject on End" specified as part of the job description?

If so, the job is waiting for a response to the "remove media and click OK" alsert.

Either remove that option and eject manually or see for some tweaks that will auto respond to several alerts, including this one

Level 3
Yes is specified but in the alert configuration is specified too to erase that alert after 1 minute... so I don't think that could be the problem... thank you for you're time Ken

I have seen that if I schedule the job at 23:00 istead of 00:00 the jobs seems to finish after the reasonable there any job that starts after 00:00 and before 01:00 by default?

any other ideas?

Level 6

What type of data being backedup ?

Is it a remote or local backup which starts at 00:00 ?

What is the size of the backup ?


Additional Info :

If you are not at the latest build of Backup Exec 9.1 for Windows Servers
revision 4691, we would suggest you download and install it using the
following technotes:

# BEWS 9.1 is a free downloadable upgrade inclusive of previously installed
agents and options from Backup Exec 9.0 for Windows Servers agents and

# Update all agents/options on all remote systems.


Update us on the same and revert for any further Query
Hope this will help you

Thank you

NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked "assumed answered" and would be moved to "answered questions" pool.

Level 3
I've just disvered one thing; all delays occurred are because I think it ejects the type but is asking you for answering the alert that says to take out the tape. Seeing the event viewer I've just see that the problem is it's stay with the message of asking to take out the tape; this alert is configured for dissapearing in one minute but sometimes it doesn't dissapear and that's what makes that delays... but unless for the logs of veritas (in the own software) it tells the copy has made and verified properly and later like I've enabled jobs expiration in 6 hours (for the holiday days) and the machine is trying or unless is asking to answer the alert (I think it takes out the tape but asks for an answer) like there's nobody nobody answers so the task expires... but the alert is configured to answer to accept in 1 minute... somedays it makes properly, so it answers to the alert of taking out the tape but others doesn't? what's the reason for this?

How could I resolve this issue?
Thank you very much for everything and have a nice day

Level 3
excuse me I've seen the answer before

thanks for all to everybody

have a nice day, will see how it works

Level 6

Let us know the update for further troubleshooting

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