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Delete BE 11d backups out of RMAN

Level 4
It appears that 11d now uses RMAN to do its Oracle backups. Does anybody know how to delete the 11d backups out of RMAN? If I try and delete the job I get a

"RMAN-06160: no backup pieces found for backup set key: key#" error.

If I try and delete the obsolete backups I get a

"RMAN-06091: no channel allocated for maintenance (of an appropriate type)" error.

This is a backup to disk folder created in BE. It appears that BE is opening a channel called ch0 and giving it a device type of "SBT_TAPE" (which it really isn�t because it is a backup to disk folder). But after the backup is done the channel is released so RMAN cannot find the backup and will not let me delete the backups. I have tried to cross check all the backups and this succeeds but the backups do not move to expired. I have also tried making them unavailable but no luck there either (still cannot delete). Thank you.