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Disk Backup Script

Level 2
Looking for a better solution.
I'm trying to save six days of backups on disk and then at the end of the week copy them to usb disk and take off site.
This is on Server 2008,BE12.
The script I'm using works ok but it moves the backup to disk directory, then recreates it. Then BE does not see it and shows it as offline. I'm using robocopy to copy the Exchange IMG00001... folders. And moving the rest.
Any Suggestions.
Thanks In Advance

(Script Below)
REM MoveBackupFiles

rmdir C:\Storage\6\ /S /Q
move C:\Storage\5 C:\Storage\6

move C:\Storage\4 C:\Storage\5

move C:\Storage\3 C:\Storage\4

move C:\Storage\2 C:\Storage\3

move C:\Storage\1 C:\Storage\2

mkdir C:\Storage\1
move C:\Backup\*.bkf C:\Storage\1
robocopy C:\Backup\ C:\Storage\1\ /MOVE /E
mkdir C:\Backup



Level 3
Hi there,
You are making this way to complicated for yourself.
Backup Exec has the ability to duplicate media including B2D folders - you should use this. In fact, I believe trying to do it any other way will fail everytime.
Let BE handle it and setup a duplicate job.