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Do I need to include I386 directory on workstations selections?

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Hi, I am pretty new to BU Exec and trying to get a handle on it. Our IT guy who used to run the backups just up and quit. He says he has had enough. Anyway I was rewarded with taking over the backups. In one of our small offices we are backing up 10 XP workstation laptops with version 10D. These are all employees on our sales staff who keep GBs of data locally. They don't follow the rules of storing data on the File-Print sever. Because of the amount of data the backups run for hours over night. The selections include the entire C: drive to cover any place they may have saved something and forgot where they put it. My question is do I need to have the I386 folder in the selections? I am trying to reduce the time that the job runs. Any help would be appreciated.

Level 6
You can safely ignore the I386 directory (it's just a copy from the install CD, after all)
You can also exclude the  c:\TEMP directory IMHO