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Do not pay for support

Level 3
I would strongly advise that nobody pays for support. It's not worth it.
I recently had 2 cases running. On both I did not recive any call / mail, and after 10-12 days I had to call Symantec support to get any help. And the only help I got: Try reinstalling. Thats proberly the worst support answer I've ever got. Why? Well anyone who knows anything about Backup Exec, knows that the server needs rebooting. And that you dont just do on high availability servers.
Thank God, we finally solved one of the cases our selv. Not with any help from Symantec support.
The second case, they keep closing/archiving. This case was created on the 9th of May. I've even tried calling Symantec support about this case, but after waiting for more than an hour I decided to try their "Call-back" function. And when did they call back? The next day.
I keep banging my head at the table: We should have chosen Tivoli, at least IBM got a functional support.
I've given up. Who needs backup anyway? At least stay far away from Symantec if you ever want support.

Level 3
And it gets better: When they just close your case, then they mail you. But you cant reopen it by mail. Noooo, you have to call them. Well, as always this takes some time. But it gets worse, they cant reopen your case. No, they have to create a new one, so it doesn't take many brain cells to figure out you are then back in the line again. Oh, but you can only create the new case within your countrys buisness hours. Today is friday, well who cares about 3 more days? I've already waited 17 days.
I feel stupid for paying for non existing support. I just love when a company takes your money, and the asks you to bend over so they can stick it to you.

Level 3
Thanks for sharing that. I guess we'll think more than twice about purchasing new Backup Exec licenses for about 10 media servers, 100 remote agents, domino agents and sql agents...

Level 5
Well.. I have to agree... The buisiness support is horrible... atleast on phone... I compare it with many other companies I call for support on a daily basis and Symantec support for BE is horrific... 2 hours or more in waiting on the phone... bahhh They only way I can get support I need is to post in this forum... or search for answers on the web... If I cant find it I have to live with it or talk to my collegues to get the time I need to spend on the phone ... hehehe
Anyway... We are still gona use BE11D until we get a new SAN in place where we will have Snapshot functionality builtin and then we will seriously consider abandoning BE for good... Atleast for our day to day data... we might continue with SQL and AD backup through BE ... but thats about the only thing we will need it for... hehehe
I dont know how Veritas handled the support before Symantec but the general experiance I have with the support is very bad... its not OK to wait for 2 or more hours to get help... or even several days in some cases...