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Does CPS for Exchange work with win2k?

Level 5
I have:
Exchange 2000 running on Win2k SBS

I've wasted a week of productivity getting the buggy backup software to just do simple full backups. I started to try and install the CPS to protect Exchange. The install program says my licence key is "invalid." Can anyone tell me if CPS will even work with win2k/exchange 2000? I don't want to waste any more time on things that just don't work.

Level 4
I do believe you must have 2k3, which supports Shadow Copies.

Level 5
I realize I would not have the full functionality of CPS in Win2K. The system check reports:

"The operating system Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 does not meet the minimum requirements for the Symantec Continuous Protection Server (CPS).

It does meet requirements for the CPS Business Server and Administration Console components."

Looking at the system requirements it seems the only part of CPS not supported is the "Continuous Management Service and Protection

What I am trying to find out is if the "Continuous Management Service and Protection Servers" above is a necessary component of CPS used to protect Exchange.

Level 6
CPS will work fine in a W2K enviornment backing up the Exchange server. Your issue really is the fact that the CPS console (the main portion of the program) is required to be installed on a W2K3 server. From there, you would push the CPS Agent (including the Exchange portion of the agent) to the exchange server (ie the Business server)

Just install CPS first on your Backup Exec server, assuming it is W2K3 and not on the Exchaneg server. From there, open the CPS console and push the agent to the exchaneg server. Afetr that is done, you can close the CPS conosle and never look at it again unless you are using it for other CPS work aside from Exchange. All CPS Exchaneg jobs are configured and maintained within backup Exec, BE just uses the CPS technology. CPS Console does not need to be setup to do CPS Exchange within BE.


Level 5
Our Backup Exec server is our Exchange server which is our only server. So installing it on w2k3 and pushing it to the exchange sever is not an option. It does sound like I may be able to install the exchange agents, or are these agents dependant on a CPS server installed on a w2k3 machine?

Level 6
If that is your only server then it won't work do to the windows 2000 not being supported for the CMS (main cps program) If you had another server you could do it remotely bu pushing the agent to the SBS server and creating trusts between domains most likely.

Level 4

Found that what your explanation of Exchange backup with 11d cps is correct, tho I havn't set up the CPS on the Exchange Databases yet, untill I clarify some of the options offered when setting it up.
I also have some SQL databases (installed SQL license) and I DON'T see this type of setup for the SQL databases. Should I also be able to CPS the SQL databases?
I'm reluctant to set up the CPS on the SQL servers without more information as to how well it works and how buggy is it. Another question, does performing a full backup of SQL databases commit the log files to the database, as it does with Exchange databases? I do not want to screw around with the very important SQL data untill I can be reasonably assured that it will do what it's supposed to without "issues".
Any info would be appreciated?
