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Domino Agent Problem

Level 3
Since we upgraded to 11D 7170 we are frequently getting the following error message:
Event Type: Error
Event Source: Backup Exec
Event Category: None
Event ID: 65215
Date:  7/31/2007
Time:  9:43:50 AM
User:  N/A
Computer: ZIBA3
The connection to the Lotus Domino server has been lost. The following error was reported: 8,26. The job that was running on this server has been stopped.
 For more information, click the following link:
With version 10 the Domino agent worked just fine.
How can we fix this problem?


Level 5
hi i noticed that you posted this a long time ago. jsut checking if you're able to resolve the issue? i'm having the same issues, BE and Lotus not playing nice....

Level 2

This is a known issue with Symantec.  Use the AOFO instead of the notes agent and it should work.  I’ve just used this workaround lately and it’s been running like a champ.

Level 5
WOW! I can't beleive I'm seeing this! Finally! A resolution!
... I'm sorry but I really don't know how to do this: jsut use the AOFO instead of the Lotus Agent.
Could you please send me the steps? I REALLY, REALLY APPRECIATE YOUR HELP!

Level 2

In your Job properties take a look at your selections for your job.  Deselect everything under the Lotus Domino Databases.

Now under the “Settings” area, select “Advanced Open File.”    Ensure the “Use Advanced Open File Option” is checked. 

Now if you have purchased the AOFO key, you can use the “Symantec Volume Snapshot Provider.”  If not, you may need to rely upon VSS if using Server 2003.  So make sure VSS is turned on if you do not have the AOFO purchased.  Then in the Open file configuration select “Automatically select open file technology.”

That should be it.

Note…  the AOFO technology used in 11d was used for Lotus Notes plug-in for previous versions of Backup exec.  11d utilizes a new Lotus Notes database backup engine that is buggy at best.


Give that a shot and report back!



Level 3
I don't agree with using AOFO instead the Domino Agent. The Domino Agent has been working fine before we upgraded to V11D. We purchased the agent for backing up our Domino databases and I expect it to work properly.
- Dieter

Level 2
It really depends how many databases you have on your mail server.  Lotus Notes Agent chokes after so many Databases, Symantec acknowledges it.  Ours Choked after 500 and we have over 3000 databases to back-up.  Also Symantec stated that it is also hit or miss. 
try this as well:

There is a known issue with the upgrade from Backup Exec 9 and/or 10 to 11d.  There may be an error after the backup jobs seem to have completed, but fail with the error code:  “Cannot Connect to Media Server.”   If you check your selections for the job, you' see something like the media server attempting to use the remote agent to back up it's host server's system state.



The work around for this is as follows:


  1. Uncheck the System State selection in each Selection List.
  2. Go to Credentials.
  3. Run Check Credentials.
  4. Go back and reselect System State for each backup job.
  5. Run the credentials again.
You should now have only one entry.

Level 5
Hi, thank you both for your input. Right now, I am just desperate for a resolution for this issue.
I encountered the same problem after upgrading to rev 7170. I guess trying something new won't hurt anymore. I have this problem for almost 3 weeks now!
Thanks again. And will definitely report back!

Level 3
I opened a case for our problem ands will report back once we have it resolved.

Not applicable
Restarting the Backup Exec remote agent on the Domino Server worked for me ... Might be work a try??

Level 5
hi, and that's what I've been doing - restarting before running the job again.  and we know that shouldn't be the case. anyways, tmillszero1 suggested that I use AOFO instead of the Lotus agent. I'm still waiting for my request to purchase add'l. AOFO to be approved by my boss. While waiting, I applied the HotFix 4 with BE 11d rev7170 and so far its working for me without re-starting the process on the Lotus servers.
Thanks for your input.

Level 2
Just let us know what you find out!

Level 5
hi tmillszero1! i'm back! SO MANY THINGS happened (both personal and work)  between July and October.
well I've been using AOFO in backing up our Lotus Domino servers. BE 11d is still NOT playing nice. under settings > advanced > open file backup when AOFO is not in used, I have to choose Never. If I set it to With a lock, and user(s) are logged on to their mail DB, BE corrupts the file. i was going through the forum to see if there are any solutions. i guess not! instead, I see more frustrated BE 11d + Lotus Domino users! thanks again for all your help.

Level 3
We have temporarily been using the AOFO agent and it has been working without any problem.
Symantec provided an engineering patch addressing the Domino agent problem, but I did not have a chance yet to test the fix.
- Dieter

Level 5
Thanks Dieter. Lotus Domino backups are better now that we are using AOFO. But I have to choose the "never" option under Settings > Advanced. With the "never" option, it's been skipping a lot of files. But if I choose With a lock, it corrupts the file. Do you mind sending me your Lotus backup settings?  Thanks.

Level 3
Joji, Here are our settings:
Advanced Open File:
Use Advanced Open File option
Automatically select open file technology
Open file backup when AOFO is not used: With a lock
I have successfully restored Lotus databases that were backed up with these settings. No corruption.

Level 5
Thanks Diether for sharing this info.