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Email In Use

Level 2
For the past 5 weeks, I've been receiving the following errors on every backup job multiple times (10 or so times each)

Backup - \\SERVER1\Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes The item \\SERVER1\Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes\SMTP (SERVER1-{CAD4E5FD-56AB-4683-A5F5-42A0DF063E41}) TempTable#1#0Œ〰〰〰〰㥢㌱捡攳㍢㘱㍣攴㌸㈷㠸敥挵ㄶ㡡㌰㜰〰㝤摤㙦昵攲扡挹㠴晡㘰戲ㄳ㐵㤹㜸攲〰〰〰〰〰昲〰〰㝤摤㙦昵攲扡挹㠴晡㘰戲ㄳ㐵㤹㜸攲〰〰〰㐰㔳愴〰〰FW: FW: Love Those Grandmas... in use - skipped.
Access denied to file SMTP (SERVER1-{CAD4E5FD-56AB-4683-A5F5-42A0DF063E41}) TempTable#1#3FW: Fw: FW: Winner of World's ugliest dog contest!!!! Oh mygod!.
#6FW: FW: Love Those Grandmas....
Access denied to file SMTP (SERVER1-{CAD4E5FD-56AB-4683-A5F5-42A0DF063E41}) TempTable#1
The item \\SERVER1\Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes\SMTP (SERVER1-{CAD4E5FD-56AB-4683-A5F5-42A0DF063E41}) TempTable#1#1Œ〰〰〰〰㥢㌱捡攳㍢㘱㍣攴㌸㈷㠸敥挵ㄶ㡡㌰㜰〰㝤摤㙦昵攲扡挹㠴晡㘰戲ㄳ㐵㤹㜸攲〰〰〰〰〰〳〰〰㝤摤㙦昵攲扡挹㠴晡㘰戲ㄳ㐵㤹㜸攲〰〰〰㌰㕦㕣〰〰FW: FW: Love Those Grandmas... in use - skipped.

I matched up the SID and it turns out the mailbox being referred to is in fact the system mailbox. I've browsed the mailbox using the Vertias file selector, and I'm unable to find the messages referred to anywhere.

It looks like I've got spam stuck in the system somewhere, but I've got no idea how to go about going in and deleting those pesky messages. Meanwhile, my backup is showing failure every day...

Thanks in advance. :)

Level 6

As the files are skipped please close Microsoft outlook before performing backup and then observe the results.


NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.

Level 2
OK, we've tried making sure Outlook is completely shut down (by shutting down all clinet PCs at night).

Same errors. Consistently.

What else can we do?