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Error 1317 while installing 11d

Level 3
Please help.  We have windows 2003 enterprise server.  We uninstalled version 10d thinking we needed a fresh start with 11D.  I did notice the Veritas folder still sitting out ther so we got rid of it also.  We looked in the "regedit and got rid of the Veritas folder in it also.  Rebooted the server. Started installing 11d.  We did not take the default destinations,  Instead, it was like "D:\Symantec".  Everything looks like it is going to install, and then all of a sudden we get the following error message!
"1317 An error occurred while attempting to create the directory D:\Symantec." 
In researching this error in Microsoft, it seems that there is still a piece somewhere in the registry that i havent found to get rid of it.  It's thinking that it needs to be installed in a different directory?  I am at a loss at this point!  Thanks in advance.
Any suggestions?

Level 6
Here is a technote for the uninstall of 11d:
I would suggest going through this and make sure that everything is removed.
When you run the MS cleanup Utility, make sure you remove 10d from there as well.
The registry keys for 10d are the same, only with the Veritas path.
Hope this helps.

Level 3
Thank you so much for your help on this issue.  I knew there had to be some kind of cleanup utility out there but  I could not seem to find it.  I will keep you posted on this thread and let you know if this fixes my problem.  I have to wait "after hours" to do this kind of thing being that it is a server.

Level 6
Understandable Billy.
Keep me updated, if that doesn't work we can look into other avenues.

Level 3
Now I am getting a 1303 insufficent privieges error.  I am kind of confused on this issue.  I am not taking the default directory.  Does the directory/folder need to be created before the installation or does it create it for you?  I have done this both ways.  The directory I want it to go to is D:\Backup Exec. 
Any suggestions?

Level 6
What account are you using to run the install?
Are you local to the server or RDP?
Tell me more about the D drive, is it a standard HD?  Is it SCSI attached? RAID?

Level 3
I was actually sitting at the server logging on as administrator.  It is a scsi drive.

Level 6
Have you tried the install as Local Admin?

Level 3
I am logged in as "administrator" on the server but not on the local server.  I am logged on our domain.  This has never been a problem before.  Should I just log in on the local server and try installing it?

Level 6
Yes, please.
Signing on locally usually will eliminate the access is denied issues.

Level 3
I will try that.  Now the other question I have:  Since I am not taking the default directory, do I need to create the directory before installing or does it create on for you?  For example I am going to install it to D:\Backup Exec will it create that directory for me or do i have to create it before installing?

Level 6
It will create the directory if you specify that path in the install path.
Let me know the results.

Level 2
I am experiencing a very similar problem as Mr. Means.  I'm in the process of a 11d install, and have received an prompt stating 'Error 1317.An error occurred while attempting to create the directory E:\Microsoft SQL Server'.  I am upgrading a previously installed version of Backup Exec 10, and I purchased an additional agent for SQL Server 2000 for 11d which was not installed on BE installation.
In the background, the installation process is stuck on file E:\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Binn\XPDLOShareu.dll.  This is the same location where our existing SQL Server folder is set up, so it appears Backup Exec is trying to overwrite the SQL Server folder.
I'm also installing this through a Remote Desktop connection, although I don't think that's the problem in this case.  I did not uninstall the BackupExec 10 prior to installing 11d, and I'm not installing BackupExec through a mapped network drive.  I've tried installing 11d without the SQL Server agent, but run into the same problem.
Any suggestions?  I'll try installing again tomorrow from within the office.
Thanks, Jerry Weatherhogg

Level 3
Hey I looked at our server and realized that it is part of a domain.  So, therefore when a server is part of a domain, you will not have a "local" login.  I am not sure what to do at this point.

Level 3
Hey let me know if you find a solution for this!

Level 2
OK, I've had some luck getting 11d to install here, and it looks like installing through a Remote Desktop Connection was the culprit after all.  After my difficulties installing it remotely, I came into the office and installed it from the console.  Same options (except for the Desktop backup feature) and everything installed smoothly, no file errors.
I did, however, have to rebuild the BEDB database as my original BEDB database did not upgrade completely.  After upgrading, 11d wouldn't start due to a schema mismatch error.  Renaming the database files with the provided empty ones resolved the problem.
I don't think this solution pertains to your problem though.

Level 6
If the server is part of the Domain you can still sign in locally.
If it is the Domain Controller you will not have that option.