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Error 1603 when installing Microsoft Virtual Server Agent

Level 2

Trying to download the Agent for Microsoft Virtual Server for evaluation but getting this error V-225-53 ERROR: Failed to install SQL Express BKUPEXEC instance with error 1603.

Anyone else had this?

Backup Exec 12.5



Level 3
I have been running the Backup Exec 12.5 for about a month with no problem. Everything is licensed including the license I just purchased for the Microsoft Virtual agent.  When trying to add the license and install the agent, my installation fails and error log shows:

{DATE} V-225-53: ERROR: Failed to install SQL Express BKUPEXEC instance with error 1603

It appears related to the SQL database that Backup Exec created, but even after shutting down the SQL server or stopping connections, the error still appears when tried again.

This is running on the parent machine in a Windows 2008 Enterprise Server environment with Hyper-V hosts to be backed up.

I will post again if I come up with an answer before Symantec gets back with me.

Best regards,

Level 3
Same as nsutterby, been running 12.5 for some time without issue.  Recently purchased the Agent for VMware Virtual Infrastructure and I can't add the license key due to the same error you both are seeing.

I've stopped all BE services and attempted the install again to no avail.

Media server is running Windows 2k3 Enterprise SP1.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Level 3
Please keep in mind that I am utilizing a 2008 Windows Server Enterprise Edition X64 as my operating system on the server in question, although this solution repaired my problem, take caution in using it on other operating platforms. After performing the following tasks, I was able to install the Hyper-V agent for backup use with the Symantec Backup Exec 12.5 version:

1) Go into your "services" and stop the BKUPEXEC SQL instance from running
2) Make a copy of your bedb_dat and bedb_log files from your *:\BACKUPEXEC\DATA\ directory just in case anything gets damaged or corrupt so you don't lose your files and setup information
3) Uninstall all SQL program and client runtime programs from the server
4) Install the SQL manually from the Backup Exec CD and name the SQL instance "BKUPEXEC"
5) Start the BackupExec program and wait until it tries to connect to SQL database, then cancel out and go up to the "tools" option at the top of program and select "backup exec services" then press button to restart all services. You may have to log into the SQL database after the restart
6) Re-installed the option for Hyper-V and it worked fine this time.

** Please keep in mind that you cannot use the Hyper-V backup module correctly without having VHDMount program installed on the parent machine alongside Backup Exec or you will see that a prerequisite is missing before the installation will continue.  There is also a known compatibility issue with Hyper-V which is addressed in the HOTFIX 315727 available here:

I believe you must also restart the Backup Exec services after installing the hotfix, but detailed instructions should be available at the above link if you would feel more comfortable.

I hope this helps anyone else out there which is experiencing this same issue.


P.S.  Next I am going to try and add on the unix module to backup my older Unix server into the same media library, keeping my fingers crossed...

Level 3
Please see above, I did not mean to double post!

Level 3

I don't know if any of you have had a chance to try out my solution, but after getting the virtual agent installed now my backups fail.  After reviewing the log, I discovered that you cannot backup a virtual machine easily if it has ties to a physical hard disc on the parent server, without installing an agent on the virtual machine itself.  I am having trouble pushing the agent to the virtual presently, but will keep the forum advised to the progress and any errors and/or problems that I encounter along the way.


Level 2

I have been trying to install the agent for VMware and have been getting the V-225-53 / 1603 error as well. The official fix (grant users DB permissions) didn't work. I tried uninstalling the BKUPEXEC instance and all support files, which were at version 9.00.4035 or SP3, and installing that same version again, but I received the same 1603 error. When I uninstalled this version and installed the ORIGINAL version from the 12.5 installation disk (version 9.00.3042), the VMware agent install succeeded. I suspect Windows Update may have downloaded SQL Server 2005 Express SP3, and I installed it along with other updates.

What I've observed is that when I would try to install the VMware agent with SQL Server 2005 Express 9.00.4035 (SP3) installed, the SQL Server installation command reported in the bkupinst.htm log wouldn't even run according to the SQL Server summary.txt log:
-09-2009,12:36:52 : "SQLExpress\SQLEXPR.exe" /wait /qn /norestart /lv "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup Bootstrap\LOG\Summary.txt" INSTANCENAME=BKUPEXEC SQLACCOUNT="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" SQLPASSWORD="" UPGRADE=SQL_Engine,SQL_Data_Files,SQL_Replication,Client_Components,Connectivity SAPWD=**** DISABLENETWORKPROTOCOLS=0

I suspect the installation was trying to run the OLD SQL Server installation and failing, since a newer version was installed. Removing SQL Server 9.00.4035 and installing 9.00.3042 off the original 12.5 installation disk allowed me to successfully install the VMware agent.

NOTE: if you need to uninstall the BKUPEXEC SQL Server instance remember to open Management Studio Express after the SQL Server Express installation completes and reattach the two BE databases. Then, open the BE client, and start up all the BE services. Everything SHOULD be exactly as it was.

Hope this helps anyone else struggling with this.

Level 3
Thanks for posting your solution.  It worked for me.

Level 3
JayG, hopefully all is well in your first backup after installing the agent properly. I know my solution works for the Microsoft Virtual Server Hyper-V agent, although Brendon has listed some additional information that may come in handy if you are experiencing issues with the VMware agent.  Although they are inherintly similar, the solutions seem to differ just a little bit due to relevant ties to the host operating system.