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Error 58063 Media ejected that cannot be full

Level 3
Sometimes I get error 58063: Please remove the media from the drive.
According to one of the forum threads that means that the tape is full.
But the day before, I made a backup of 61Gb and yesterday it stopped at 44Gb and ejected the tape.
How is that possible?
I use the option: Compression Hardware (if available, otherwise use software).
The tapestatistics show no soft read and write errors, but 4 hard write errors.
Any idea what is the matter?

Level 6
Is the job Overwrite or Append?

Level 3
The job was Overwrite. The tapedrive is a HP DLT VS40/80. Normally I can backup 60Gb on a tape.

Level 6

-Can you please check the same with a another Tape ?
-If you are performing a Overwrite Job on the same tape,can you first (for test purpose) erase the tape once and try again ?
-Please check in the system event logs,whether event id 7,9,11,15 are generated?

Update us on the same !

Thank you

NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked "assumed answered" and would be moved to "answered questions" pool.

Level 3
-Can you please check the same with a another Tape ?
A: I did, the backup worked with two different tapes, no errors.
-If you are performing a Overwrite Job on the same tape,can you first (for test purpose) erase the tape once and try again ?
A: I did a long erase and tried again with the same tape. The backup still failed.
-Please check in the system event logs,whether event id 7,9,11,15 are generated?
ID 7: None in the backupdays that failed.
ID 9: A few, but these are Informational Eventlogs about printers.
ID 11: Also an Information Eventlog about a printer.
ID 15: None

And yesterday another (different) tape had the same problems after 8 and a half hours elapsed time.
So now, two tapes had these errors, and two tapes had no errors.
Can anyone give me a clue?Message was edited by:
Ad Vlems

Level 6

This error can also occur if you have unattended alerts in the backup exec alerts tab. You will thus need to configure the alert catagories in order to avoid these errors.

Refer to the following technotes for more information on this:

Title:Event ID 58063: "Backup Exec Alert: Media Remove" is reported during or after a job completes

Title:How to configure Backup Exec to automatically respond to media alerts, including when a backup hangs at 99%, until the user responds to a tape eject prompt

Hope this helps in resoving the problem. In case of further doubts, do revert with details.

Note : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked ‘assumed answered’ and would be moved to ‘answered questions’ pool.


Level 3
Apperently, I am not making myself clear.
Your advice doesn't solve my problems at all.
I don't want to know what to do with media alert 58063, I want to know why it occurs!
Why does Veritas eject my tapes half the time?
The tape cannot be full. Are some tapes no good?
Is the tapestreamer no good?

Yesterday it happened again. After 45Gb, 9 hours, Veritas ejected the tape. This is the first indication that something is wrong. What can there be wrong?
Event Type:Information
Event Source:Backup Exec
Event Category:None
Event ID:58063
Backup Exec Alert: Media Remove
(Server: "EUROPA") (Job: "Weekbackup") Please remove the media from the drive.Message was edited by:
Ad Vlems

Level 6

This may happen due to various reasons.
Please check the following.
1. Are there any other alerts in the Alerts tab?
2. Do you get event IDs 7, 9, 11 and /or 15?
3. Please clean the drive 2-3 times
4. Backup on a new tape and verify the results.
5. If the option is available, use Retention and verify the results.

Do revert with the results of each step.

NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.

Level 3
This may happen due to various reasons.
Please check the following.
1. Are there any other alerts in the Alerts tab?
No, only Job Cancellation (due to Automatic Cancellation)
2. Do you get event IDs 7, 9, 11 and /or 15?
Have you read the thread? I have already answered that.
3. Please clean the drive 2-3 times
I already did. It didn't help.
4. Backup on a new tape and verify the results.
I already did. It worked, but that proves nothing. One out of three times, the backup works.
5. If the option is available, use Retention and verify the results.
I always use Retention and verify.

And you still didn't answer my question:
Why does media alert 58063 occur?

Level 6
Hello Ad,

Are you backing up already compressed files ?

Backing up compressed files may make them expand in size while being backed up. This is because backup exec is already using Software/ Hardware compression.

Are there any soft/ hard read or write errors on the tape ?

Does the backup need to span to another tape ?

NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked ‘assumed answered’ and would be moved to ‘answered questions’ pool.

Level 3
> Are you backing up already compressed files ?

> Are there any soft/ hard read or write errors on the
> tape ?
I have examined every tape statistics and all backuplogs.
Here are all the tapes, with errors and failed or successful backups in the last few weeks:
Tuesday 278.583 Soft write errors. 6 backups failed.
Wednesday 21.222 Soft write errors, 13 Soft read errors, 2 backups failed.
Thursday 611 Soft write errors, 72 Soft read errors, 2 backups successful.
Friday 567 Soft write errors, 102 Soft read errors, 3 backups successful.
Week1 309 Soft write errors, 1 backup successful.
Week2 17.884 Soft write errors, 110 Soft read errors, 1 backup failed, 1 backup successful.
Month1 12.091 Soft write errors, 1 backup successful.
Month2 29.698 Soft write errors, 1 backup successful.
Month3 97 Soft write errors, 25 Soft read errors.
What conclusions can I make of that?

> Does the backup need to span to another tape ?
No. Never has.

Level 6

- You have mentioned that you have tried backups on new tapes.
Does the job span then?
Does it give any errors?

- When using the old tapes, after ejecting the tape please insert a new tape so that the job may be allowed to span. And verify if this is the cause of the issue.

NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.

Level 3
> - You have mentioned that you have tried backups on
> new tapes.
> Does the job span then?
No, the job normally never spans, there is more than enough space on the tape.
> Does it give any errors?
On a new tape? Not that I can tell, although I have only one new tape.

> - When using the old tapes, after ejecting the tape
> please insert a new tape so that the job may be
> allowed to span. And verify if this is the cause of
> the issue.
Every day, this job has about the same size. Do you think that old tapes have less space?

Level 6
Not less space, but perhaps they are generating soft write errors, and thus using more tape blocks per backup

Have you looked at the Error counts for the tapes that require spanning?

Level 3
> Not less space, but perhaps they are generating soft
> write errors, and thus using more tape blocks per
> backup
Is that true? Ah, that means I can throw away the tapes with more soft write errors.
And now I see why Error 58063 can still mean that the tape is full. Because it has a lot of blank tape blocks where there are errors.

> Have you looked at the Error counts for the tapes
> that require spanning?
Above 30.000 soft write errors the backup fails.

Thank you very much for al your patience,

Ad Vlems