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Error - ELXSTOR.SYS when trying to restore with IDR disk

Level 2

  I have been testing IDR on several of my servers and it seems to work great. I have one server Dell 2850 , Win2k3 SP2 which fails every time I try to run the IDR restore disk. The machine boots up , I press enter and the Windows install starts to run I then get an error
ELXSTOR.SYS is corrupted
Press any key to continue.

It then restarts the server.

I have tried to create new IDR disk, I have tried serveral new CD's. I have tried the same disk on another server which worked fine in testing another IDR disk.

Thanks for any help:

BackupExec 12.5 with all latest updates

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I'd start that server up and disable the driver to see if Windows starts up correctly.
If it does, uninstall the drive, and reinstall it. It then points to driver corruption.

Level 2
Thanks for the response Craig
   I may not have explained it correctly. What I am trying to do is create IDR disk and test them to see if machines boot up and the cd's work. The server boots I choose to rebuild the server and as the install is running I get this error.   ELXSTOR.SYS. is corrupted. The server is just a test box and runs fine without the IDR disk. It boots up with no issues. Of course once I run the IDR disk and it fails the server is worthless. lol.   but thats fine, i am only testing.

The CD (IDR disk) made for this particualar server fails on any server I run it on. Same eror ELXSTOR.SYS. 
 So, I can put the CD in every server and it fails with the same error. CD's i have made for other servers run fine.  Is it possible the .dr file is corrupted for this one server and how do I create another to test?


Level 6

During the IDR CD image creation, the elxstor.sys driver found on the Windows 2003 SP2 installation media will be replaced with the elxstor.sys driver file collected from the system, on the resultant IDR .iso image.

It is possible that the elxstor.sys driver file collected from the system might be of older version, which refuses to load during a Windows 2003 SP2 boot.

You can comment the elxstor entry in the [PreLoad SCSI or RAID Drivers] section of your idr.sif configuration file ( found under <BE Install Path>\idr\disk4\idr.sif ) and try creating a new IDR CD image. To comment the entry in the idr.sif file, add a semicolon at the front of the line. i.e; change

[PreLoad SCSI or RAID Drivers]
elxstor = PCI\VEN_10DF&DEV_F0A1,PCI\VEN_10DF&DEV_F0D1,PCI\VEN_10DF&DEV_F0E1,PCI\VEN_10DF&DEV_F085,......


[PreLoad SCSI or RAID Drivers]
;elxstor = PCI\VEN_10DF&DEV_F0A1,PCI\VEN_10DF&DEV_F0D1,PCI\VEN_10DF&DEV_F0E1,PCI\VEN_10DF&DEV_F085,......

and try to create a new IDR CD image.