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Error Logging

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I need a full list of the errors that the Veritas Backup Exe applications log in the windows event log when a job fails. I've found that different types of errors causing a failure have different EventID numbers in the event log.

We have a remote monitoring product and we're trying to increase the intelligence of the backup check, if i could get a full list of all event ID's for each type of error that Veritas generates in its job logs, which corresponds to the EventID in the windows event logs, it would be extremely helpful.

I couldn't find any real email address to contact veritas directly about this, can anyone provide me with this list or a way of contacting veritas by email to request it?

Many thanks in advance.

Level 6

unfortunately we cannot give email address, you will have to post the error messages from the event logs here itself to continue the troubleshooting.


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