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Error "Folder SIS Common Store\ cannot be found or cannot be accessed"

Level 3
While backing up one of my Windows Servers 2003 SP1 I get an error stating "Folder SIS Common Store\ cannot be found or cannot be accessed" while backing up Windows Server 2003 SP1. The corresponding backup job then fails although all files have been backed up successfully.

I've been doing some research on the SIS Common Store topic. But it came up empty. All related threads state RIS being responsible fot this error. Unfortunately my Windows Server 2003 has not installed the RIS component nor any related software.

I also checked whether my job list includes anything similar to SIS Common Store by using the text mode. There are no entries.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Level 6
Please refer to
A Backup Exec job fails with the following error: "\\SERVER\Share. Directory \ not found, or could not be accessed."