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Error retrieving system state files - registry/software & system

Level 2

Recently a working backup failed and has ever since.
The issue is with a remote server where an agent is installed.

The error is: 0xe000847c System State file could not be backed up. \\\System?State\Registry\software (and system).
I also get V-79-57344-33916 An error occured retrieving system state files.

I am backing up two other servers without issue including the system state on both of them.

I have applied SP1 and tried changing RestrictAnonymous (from article 239739) without any luck.

Any ideas?



Level 2
For reasons beyond my understanding it just worked last night!
I still would like to know why it failed to that I can answer the powers that be though :)

Level 6

- Were you backing up only the system state?
- For test purposes try NTBackup after the job fails.

It is difficult to comment on this issue without relevant logs and the exact understanding of the scenario.

NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.

Level 2
I am getting the same error.

Win2k Server.
Backup Exec v10
Backing up everything on the Server - Daily - System State + HDD.

When the job fails, the following is reported in the job log

Job ended: Friday, June 24, 2005 at 9:31:59 AM
Completed status: Failed
Final error: 0xe000847c - An error occurred retrieving System State files.
The System State file could not be backed up.
Final error category: Resource Errors

For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-57344-33916
and of course the link doesn't work.

I only get the error intermittently. Here is a quick summary of job reports.
05/19/05 Worked
05/25/05 Worked
05/26/05 Failed
05/31/05 Failed - After failure, I installed Hotfix 8
05/31/05 Worked
06/09/05 Worked
06/10/05 Failed
06/15/05 Failed
06/16/05 Worked
06/17/05 Worked
06/20/05 Failed

As per the last posting I ran NTBackup, results below:

Backup Status
Operation: Backup
Active backup destination: File
Media name: "Media created 6/24/2005 at 10:46 AM"

Backup of "System State"
Backup set #1 on media #1
Backup description: "System State 6/24/2005 at 10:46 AM"
Backup Type: Copy

Backup started on 6/24/2005 at 10:46 AM.

Error: You do not have permission to access portions of System State\Registry\software.
Please see the owner or administrator to get permission.
Warning: Unable to open the file \Registry\software - skipped.
Backup completed on 6/24/2005 at 10:48 AM.
Directories: 145
Files: 2197
Skipped: 1
Bytes: 324,708,731
Time: 1 minute and 27 seconds

I am currently looking at permissions. Though am unsure as to why it works sometimes & not others.

Any ideas?

Level 6

Thank you for the update.

Since the backup of System State using NT Backup utility also failed with error, please try to find the issue regarding the permissions. It is difficult to give any specific reason regarding this error.


NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked "assumed answered" and would be moved to "answered questions" pool.

Level 2
There should have never been an issue with permissions as I was logged on as the Domain Admin & the backup had worked fine previously.

I changed the driver to the default one supplied by Veritas and it is now working again...we shall see for how long!

Level 6
Hello Mr.Norton,

Could you please tell us if the previous posts have helped you and whether you still need help.

NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answeredand would be moved toanswered questions pool.

Level 3
Hi all,

We have this problem (error), too. We've read the Document ID: 276901. But there's a serious difference:
One day it works, the next it doesn't. It toggles each time of a backup. It doesn't matter, if the destination is a tape or a locical volume. There is 750 MB free in drive C: an there are 3 GB free on the system drive. Can anyone help us.

Thanks in advance


Not applicable
We've been having the same error. It happens sporatically and we cannot find any specific reason or change which would have caused this.

After further investigations, I learned that a particular key in the registry is causing this error. It is..

HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/Perflib/009

This particular key will not allow any changes to the ACL or the owner.

I have found no solution, but this key is the one causing our problems.

Level 4
I too am having this issue. It's not a space issue as I have over 100 GB free. Some days it works, and some it does not. The account I'm using is an Administrator on the box.

I ran NTBackup and it ran fine.

Please help.