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Event ID 57348: Database Maintenance Failure, Maintenance has failed , Dump

Level 2
I get this message every day from our three of our servers.
I have tried running the beutility Check Database Consistency but it always fails.
I have :
1: Repaired the database (failed)
2: Compacted (Failed)
3: Rebuilt Indices (Succeeded but made no difference)
4: Recovered the Database (Succeeded but made no difference)
5: Recovered from Base (Succeeded but made no difference)

After the recovery from Base I confirmed I had no entries for the backup Jobs or historical entries. I then "Recovered from Backup" and all data up to the changes I had implemented yesterday were reinstated.

Given that everything appears to be working fine can someone please tell me why I keep getting this error and how to resolve itWe have tried changing the Database maintneance run to midday.
This made no difference.

I also changed the DLL as suggested in the supplemenal detail and the error code changed from 10 to 11. Here is the email error we get

(Server: "") (Job: "Database Maintenance") Summary of database maintenance activity:

* Performed database consistency check for BEDB database

Maintenance has failed: 11, Check database failed
Total elapsed time: 00:00:03

Level 6

The Backup Exec v9.0 installation program installs Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE 2000). Backup Exec stores the database in SQL database format. The Backup Exec database maintains a record of files and data you have configured such as templates, catalogs, and etc. Database maintenance performs the following:

- Optimize database size
- Delete expired data
- Save the contents of the database files
- Perform a database consistency check

This issue may occur if the Backup exec database maintenance time collides with the backup time. To resolve the problem we suggest you to follow the steps given below.

1) Change the scheduled time of Backup Exec database Maintenance.

Go to Tools | Options | Settings | Database Maintenance.
Default time is 4:00 AM

This problem can also occur if the database consistency check fails during the database maintenance. Please perform the following steps to check the database consistency.

1) From the path \program files\Veritas\Backup Exec\NT run the Beutility file.

2) Add the Backup Exec server and then run the Database task to
perform "Check Database Consistency" and note the status.

NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.

Level 2
Hi ,
I have tried all this.

> 1) Change the scheduled time of Backup Exec database
> Maintenance.
> Go to Tools | Options | Settings | Database
> Maintenance.
> Default time is 4:00 AM

***As stated in original Query I changed time and it had no effect

> This problem can also occur if the database
> consistency check fails during the database
> maintenance. Please perform the following steps to
> check the database consistency.

> 1) From the path \program files\Veritas\Backup
> Exec\NT run the Beutility file.
> 2) Add the Backup Exec server and then run the
> Database task to
> perform "Check Database Consistency" and note the
> status.

***Again, as stated in oringinal Tried This. See Original Posting for exciting details

Any Other Ideas which might resolve this gratefully recieved

Level 6
Do you get any other error in the Event Viewer relating to "MSSQL$BKUPEXEC" or any other service when running Database Maintainance ?
Could you also specify the exact version of Backup Exec that you are running.
To isolate the issue, stop antivirus software and check the results of database maintenance.
Would you be concerned about creating a new database as it would lose all its jobs and take lot of time to re-create it ?

NOTE: If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.

Level 6

Perform the repair installation:

Please refer the following technote:

NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.

Level 2
have your SQL DBA get a backup of the databases...then execute ...
                 dbcc checkdb (bedb) with no_infomsgs
then follow the recommendations of the SQL server

Not applicable
my advice is would be to ReInstall the database,since you have the backup.
Thanks and regards
Database Management