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Exabyte Library and VXA-320 Restore Help

Not applicable
I'm hoping someone here has seen this before. This is the second time this has happened to us, and the previous fix is not working.

We are running BE11D (Rev 7170 - installed updates lists service pack 2 and hotfixes 32 through 44) on a Windows 2003 server (sp2 - fully patched).

We backup to a VXA 1x10 1U Library (FW A110) with a VXA-320 Drive (FW 3221).

Backups tend to run fine. The issue comes when we want to run a restore from a recent full backup. After importing the tape, the restore will fail with a message indicating that we need to catalog the tape. Running the catalog job fails, telling me to inventory the tape. The inventory fails, telling me that there is incompatible media in the slot. This is the media we backed up to from this system. The catalog shows that the sets are there. The last time this happened, we were asked to cold boot everything and try again, which worked. However, that fails this time.3

I spent some time on the phone with Tandberg/Exabyte, and they verified with me that the device is working and configured properly. I can still backup data, and as long as the media is still in the slot after a backup, I can restore. The problem so far only seems to be with media that I exported when we needed to change tapes, and reimported at a later time for a restore.

What I need at the moment is not a critical system restore, but I am concerned that I am unable to get the data that I put on the tapes in the first place. Any help would be greatly apreciated.

Level 6
Exabyte drivers or Symantec?  Have you tried switching?
Are you current on firmware and drivers for the Controller?
Have you tried reseating all cables/terminators?
If you shut down all Backup Exec services, can you do an NTBackup job, export the tape, import it and restore from it?
Have you run a pass or two of the ExaByte diagnostics?
Immediately after inserting a tape, before anything else, if you try an inventory, what happens?

Message Edited by Ken Putnam on 06-02-2008 12:02 PM