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Exchange 2003 Errors during backup 0xa000fe2d

Level 3
I'm getting an error when backing up our exchange server. I'll post the log at the end. It just seems that one user has a few curropted emails. I am not sure if this occurs during the backup or verification process, and if it is just these 3 emails (which appear to be spam) can i just ignore them and consider it a valid backup? Or does BE stop backing up or verifying the rest of the data.

Job Completion Status
Job ended: Thursday, March 03, 2005 at 5:23:43 PM
Completed status: Failed
Final error: 0xa000fe2d - The backup of the item is bad.

Final error category: Resource Errors

Click an exception below to locate it in the job log

Backup - \\MAIL1\Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes WARNING: "\\MAIL1\Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes\(USERNAME) Top of Information StoreDeleted ItemsŒ〰〰〰〰㜴挵㜰挵㜴㜴㍤ㄱ㜸摦〰〸昵搰㔹㜱㜰〰ㅥ㍢〲㐳㌹ㅦㅤㄱ㜸昸〰〸昵搰㔹㜱〰〰〰〰慣㠲〰〰昸㜶㕥㉦散愵㤰搴ㄹ㡣㐹挶㉡㤶㕦戲〰〰〰㈰捥㤰〰〰Undeliverable: " is a corrupt file.
This file cannot verify.
WARNING: "\\MAIL1\Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes\(USERNAME) Top of Information StoreSent ItemsŒ〰〰〰〰㜴挵㜰挵㜴㜴㍤ㄱ㜸摦〰〸昵搰㔹㜱㜰〰ㅥ㍢〲㐳㌹ㅦㅤㄱ㜸昸〰〸昵搰㔹㜱〰〰〰〰慣㜲〰〰昸㜶㕥㉦散愵㤰搴ㄹ㡣㐹挶㉡㤶㕦戲〰〰〰㔰ち㄰〰〰" is a corrupt file.
This file cannot verify.
WARNING: "\\MAIL1\Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes\(USERNAME) Top of Information StoreSent ItemsŒ〰〰〰〰㜴挵㜰挵㜴㜴㍤ㄱ㜸摦〰〸昵搰㔹㜱㜰〰ㅥ㍢〲㐳㌹ㅦㅤㄱ㜸昸〰〸昵搰㔹㜱〰〰〰〰慣㜲〰〰昸㜶㕥㉦散愵㤰搴ㄹ㡣㐹挶㉡㤶㕦戲〰〰〰㔰ち㈰〰〰 material" is a corrupt file.
This file cannot verify.

Level 6

We suggest you to refer the following technote,

Hope this helps.Feel free to revert back for any further queries.

Level 6
Assuming the solution provided is correct. Also, there is no response from the customer within 2 days from the last reply by Veritas

Not applicable
This solution just show how to hide the problem but not how to solve it. Is there a way to find the outlook message responsible of this problem?