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Exchange 2007 deleted storage group restore

Level 2

We have a problem.

We have an Exchage Server 2007 SP3. We deleted (6-7 month ago) a storage group with the mailbox database, which did not require (the required user mailboxes had been moving another storage group/mailbox database). 

Now, we need to restore an user mailbox from backup. The user at now disabled and it does not have mailbox. What is the restore scenario, because at now not work the restore.

The scenarios which we tested:

  • We tried without redirect, but the original database it was not found.
  • We tried to the Recovery Storage Group into the redirection (not worked, need to the original storage group/database?)
  • We tried another mailbox database into to redirect (not worked, need to user mailbox?)

The error message: Cannot restore one or more mailboxes. The database that the mailboxes reside in is dismounted or is not accessible.

Some question:

  • Why staging the full backup for only one mailbox restore?
  • To the restore we need to the original storage group/database? 
  • To the restore we need to user mailbox?

(If we restore to an other backup to an existing storage group/mailbox database/user mailbox, it's work properly.)

Someone know a scenario to this problem?




Employee Accredited Certified

GRT from tape always uses a staging area

You should be able to rediect the mailbox to a different store, but you may need to have an active empty mailbox created in that store to redirect into.

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified
  • Why staging the full backup for only one mailbox restore?

Thats because you have your backups are on tapes.

  • To the restore we need to the original storage group/database? 

No. To restore a mailbox your original storage group/database is not required

  • To the restore we need to user mailbox?

Yes. What you can do is create the user mailbox with the same name in current database and then preform the restore. Or you can create a another user mailbox and perform a Redirect restore to the new mailbox.




Level 2

Hello Colin and Sush,

Thank you for your answers. The mailbox has been restored successful. 

Just a nota: The GRT run from disk, not from tape.
