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Exchange Backup - Files are Corrupt - Files cannot Verify

Level 3
Backing up Exchange Mailboxes using legacy mailbox support. Getting lots of error messages. Backup Account is domain administrator.

Access denied to file Julie Huddleston Top of Information StoreInboxToday's meeting.
WARNING: "\\HERMES\Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes\Julie Huddleston Top of Information StoreInboxToday's meeting" is a corrupt file.
This file cannot verify.
V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.

WARNING: "Today's meeting" is a corrupt file.
This file cannot verify.

Message is accessible by the user. Other messages in that users mailbox backing up fine. Similar story with about half a dozen other mailboxes. Only thing in common is that a lot of the messages contain foreign language characters. We get lots of email from Asia.

Don't think the messages are actually corrupt. Any ideas?

Level 4
I had this problem on my BE 10.1d server backing up my Exchange 2003 (Standard) server only the "corrupted" file was located in my users' "Junk E-mail" folder.

It didn't happen all the time and at times it was a different user. But the commonality was that it was always in the Junk E-Mail folder.

Eventually I decided to research the error in the Veritas support site and found this:

Once I applied the fix (a registry hack), problem never came back.

As a precaution, and because I also have the luxury, I perform a random Exchange mailbox restore once every two weeks. I also replicate my stores and have other secondary backups in place. :)

Hope this helped.

Level 6
That registry hack is valid but I believe that it prevents the job from being reported as "failed" it does not help the backup integrity (I stand to be corrected).

I occassionally get corruption errors if I run the backup during the day, if it runs properly at night (which is not very often unfortunately) I don't get as many issues.

Are you running any maintenance processes at night? Do they clash with your backup? If so then reschedule either the maintenance jobs of the backups so that they do not clash.

Level 3
The backup is run in the early hours of the morning and there are no other processes that conflict in terms of timing.

Symantec support suggested deleting the 'corrupt' messages but from what i can tell they are not actually corrupt (and there are a lot to delete!).

Going to open a new case on this. I think this is something of a false positive and that something in backup exec thinks that these messages are corrupt when they aren't.

Thanks for the response though.

Level 2
Try using File Access Manager, it'll probably work for what you need.

Level 6
I have had a sililar issue but it was for one email only. Deleting the email fixed it.

Level 2
I have this same problem backing up mailboxes from a Windows 2000/Exch. 2000 server via remote & exchange agent.  The BE server is Windows 2003 R2 SP1 running BE 11d 7170 no SP.  I just upgraded from 10d and I did not have this problem before the upgrade.  This problem applies to a very small percentage of the total messages that are backed up.  With my situation, the common element seems to be embedded graphics or links.  Again, messages are readable and display no obvious corruption.  I really don't want to hack my registry to suppress error messages, I want the job to run correctly!