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Exchange Mailbox Restore

Level 2
Attempting to restore an Exchange Mailbox. When I inventory and catalog the tape, the restore lists only shows Directory Service and System Attendant. I am positive that the mailboxes were also backed up.

Any ideas?Message was edited by:

Level 6
Do you have the job on a schedule where you could go view it's properties and verify the selections made?

Absolutely positvely sure you grabbed the right tape?

Level 2
Absolutely, positive I have the right tape. The long story is:
This tape is from December. Since then, I had upgraded to 9.0. However, I kept receiving tape drive errors with 9.0, so I removed it, and reinstalled 8.6. Before I reinstalled 8.6, I attempted to restore from the tape and was able to see the Mailboxes, but I couldnt restore because of the tape drive error. So, here I am with 8.6, a good tape, and cant see the data I need to restore.

Level 6
It is possible the header format on the tape has been changed and may be unreadable now in 8.6.

You can try doing a slow catalog in 8.6 and see if it helps. Do this by going into the options and unchecking the option for "Use storage media based catalogs" (not sure if that is the correct name in 8.6, but probably similar. This will force a complete catalog of the tape.

If it still can't read it, your other option of course is to install 9.0 somewhere and restore from that.

Level 6

Like someone said..
Start BackupExec from Tools-Options-Catalog uncheck the option 'Use Storage media-based catalogs' and run the catalog operation again.

If you are still not able to see your mailboxes then you surely need to check if you have the right tape!


Level 6

In reference to our previous reply to your post, we would request you to update us on the progress.

However, if we do not receive your intimation within two business days, this post would be marked "assumed answered"and would be moved to "answered questions"pool.

Thanks in advance!

Level 6
As per our previous reply, marking the case as "assumed answered" and moving it to "answered questions" pool.