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Exchange Snapshot vs Normal Backup

Level 2
Hi there,

I have been going through the Knowledge Base for the last couple days trying to find what should be a very simple answer: How do I turn off VSS/VSP Snapshots when backing up an Exchange 2003 Information Store?

I found out the hard way that the copious Exchange Information Store backups I have been taking over the last few months are almost useless�unless the server, or one of the stores crashes and has to be rebuilt (Doc ID�s 277462 and 275586). Unfortunately, while using the VSS/VSP snapshots, the Information Store can only be restored to the same server (i.e no redirection), and cannot be redirected to the Recovery Storage Group. Worst of all, I can�t find anything on the site which tells me how to disable this feature.

In short, Doc ID# 275586 mentions both a �VSS Snapshot Backup� and �Normal Information Store Backup�. How do set up my jobs to do the latter?

Level 2
Anyone? I have found out that I can disable the AOFO option for the entire job, and it runs using the "Normal Backup". Unfortunately, this deactivated the VSS/VSP snapshots for everything in the job, not just this the only way?

Level 6
Hi Brad,

You might have to create 2 seperate jobs in that case!