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Export is completed with exceptions

Level 3

Hi everybody

I use BE 2010 R3 with the latest updates.

I have an export job configured inside a policy that runs after the backup job. The export works, but always with the warning "completed with exceptions". It seems that BE tries to export the same tape several times. There is only one tape that should be exported.

The job log shows this:

Does anybody recognize this behavior?

Thanks for the help.


Level 6

Try to export a tape manually.

If that works recreate policy,

if it fails verify mail slot is configured properly.

   VIP    Certified

This is because when you export the tape, there is an alert asking you to remove the tape from the mailslot.  If you don't respond to this message, then the export job will fail after 20 minutes.  If you respond to it, there will be no exceptions.  You can ignore this exceptioin.

You can verify this situation.  Right-click on a slot and export a tape, but don't respond to the alert asking you to remove the tape.  After 20 minutes, the alert will go away and you will have your exception.

Note that you cannot set an auto-response for this tape removal alert from an export job.  I have put up an Idea to have this auto-response, but I don't think it has been excepted.

Level 3

I did the test with the manual export and waited 20min without responding to the alerts. This way, the job finishes without exception:

I will recreate the policy. After the next backup, I'll see if this works.

Level 3

I just realized that I have two other policies with an export job and the same problem. So I guess recreating of the first policy won't work.

Does anybody have another solution or should I open a ticket at Symantec support?

Level 6

have you tried suggestion by "PKH" above

Not sure if that would help, but from your reply above, does not sound like you had tried.

if you found thats the same case, please let me know about the alert which sits there for reply

as should not be case.


Level 3

As you can see in my second screenshot, I also did a manual export as PKH suggested. With the result that I don't get an exception.

So at the moment I have this situation:

- 3 different policies with an export job -> everytime I get the exception from my first screenshot

- manual export works fine withou an exception (second screenshot)

Level 6

Sorry..I missed your second reply

I think creatiing a new a test policy with export job wont hurt alot

give a try till some one gives you a better answer.

   VIP    Certified

Sorry.  I forgot.  To do the test, you got to schedule the export.  Schedule an export to start in 5 minutes.  When the alert asking you to remove the tape, do not respond or close the dialog and you will get the exception after 20 minutes.

Anyway, as I said, what you are experiencing is the "expected" behaviour.  I have gone through this with Symantec Tech Support years ago and nothing can be done about it.  If you managed to solve it, let me know.

See this document

Level 3

@ Striker 303:

I recreated one of the policies and I still get an exception.

@ pkh:

I did a scheduled export (I scheduled it for 10:00 am) and I don't get an exception as you can see in the screenshot:

   VIP    Certified

Hmm!  This is an improvement.  When I was doing my tests with the Symantec Tech Support, we managed to reproduce the problem with a scheduled export.  I just did a scheduled export and it did complete sucessfully like yours.  

However, I do have the same problem as you with my export jobs created with policies.  The Symantec Tech Support and I put it down to the fact that the media removal alert is not responded to.  If you managed to find a solution, let me know.  My bugbear is not so much the exception, but the fact that I have to wait 20 minutes for the alert to timed out.  Since the export job is holding on to the library, my subsequent jobs get delayed.