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Export when complete

Level 3

I have BE v12 SP2 running fine. What I am looking to do is make this as easy on my user as possible. I have this running at several remote sites, and it runs fine. What I would like to do though is set BE to auto export the tape that it uses that night so that my user can simply go eject the tape and put in a new one. As it is I have to log in and export the tapes manually.


Is this possible to do? I played around in the job create section and couldn't see anything that offered this option.


Level 6

Create a backup job through policy.

It provides you to create a export job and run it just after the backup is completed.

Adding an export media template to a policy

Level 3



Thank you for the response that definitely appears to be a good solution. The problem is however that I have the backup's set to run durring the night so as to not bog down the file server while people are accessing it. The Export Template does run right after the job completes, but only stays active for 20 minutes. So in the morning when my user attempts to eject the tape library magazine, it is locked because the export job has completed, or timed out. 


Is my only option to try and time the end of the backup job with the time the user goes to replace the tape? 


Honestly this would be a lot easier if the Symantec software didn't auto lock the tape library, and require an export.