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FULL Backup Drive - COMPLETELY Fragmented

Level 3
I have had the misfortune of inheriting the job of monitoring Backups for our small network of servers without any training or knowledge on the subject at all prior to.

We have version 9.1 REv 4691. with 4 jobs on the schedule, 2 FULL backups run weekly, 1 SQL DB backup run weekly, and 1 exchange backup that is currently on hold. probably because it was failing every time it ran - and after research I found that you shouldn't run it between midnite and 5am. :) so I'm fairly certain I can get a grip on this. My issues are these:

1. DATABASE MAINTENANCE FAILURE occurs EVERY time the backups run.(Job: "Database Maintenance") Summary of data base maintenance activity: * Performed database consistency check for BEDB database Maintenance has failed: 11, Check database failed Total elapsed time: 00:00:34

2. the drive that the backups are saved on, is COMPLETELY FRAGGED and I would like to think that you want some semblance of order in your backups? correct?

Can I get some suggestions please from the experts and the peanut gallery regarding the best approach to the Defrag as well as the database maintenance failure?

Thanks so much!

Level 4
On point 1 - i cant help you much there - you may have to investigate tools that come with BEWS to repair your BEWS DB.

point 2 - if you are running Windows 2003 Svr you are now able to schedule a drive defragment using Scheduled tasks (about time Microsoft). If you google it you should find a few KB's on it. I find that running a defrag across my 550GB data storage and system disks once a week keeps everything in check - just make sure that you run it in a relatively quite period - weekends or something

Level 6

Please refer the following technote:

Also repair the Backup exec database.

Please refer the following technote:

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Level 3
Fantastic! thanks so much!

Level 3
These were very informative and helpful links... however the Database is STILL FAILING every night. ERROR 11. or FAILURE 11. whatever it is.

Is there some way that I can DELETE like half the stuff on the drive and start all over again?

Level 3
Still failing database maintenance. Drives totally fragged. Can I delete some of the stuff (backups etc) on the drive to just start the process over again?

Level 4
How much free space do you have on your disks? If you have less than 10 to 15% you wil need to clean up some data.

Might be worth checking these options out - to repair or recreate your BEWS Database

have you defragmented your disks or not?

Level 6

Kindly update.


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Level 3
Thanks. We deleted about 75% of the jobs and defragmented the hard drives.