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File Selection List Export??

Level 4
In BE10D, is there a tool/procedure to export backup file selection lists out to an external file, preferably
text or xml?? Can't find anything on the knowledgebase using "file selection list export".. 
Dave Frandin

Level 4
Hi Dave,
There are two ways to "export" the selection lists.
1) Very basic is to edit the job if the "Job Summary" page is still switched on, click on OK, copy the selections listed and paste into notepad or similar.
2) Much more powerful is to use Excel and external data sources to "export" the contents of selection lists from each of our 3 Backup Exec 10d servers.
You need to have SQL database ODBC drivers.
Click on Data, Import External Data, New Database Query, New Data Source, OK.
Name your datasource (the name of the backup server is helpful), select the SQL Server driver, Click on Connect, SERVER\BKUPEXEC, leave "Use Trusted Connection", Click "Options", Database=BEDB, Click on OK, Click on OK, Click on OK, Choose the view "vwScriptPropertiesBackup", Click on OK, Choose the columns "ScriptName, ScriptDescription, DeviceSelectionName, PathName and FileName", Click on Next, Click on Next unless you want to filter your data, Click on Next unless you want to sort your data, Click the "Return data to Microsoft Excel" radio button and Click on Finish, Click on OK to Import the data.
You can now choose to sort by ScriptName and DeviceSelectionName.
Hope this helps.
Alun Rodgers

Level 4
Thank you VERY much!! This helps tremendously!!
Dave Frandin

Level 4
Glad to be able to help, I spent ages the 1st time trying to find the selection lists myself.
You just need to refresh the spreadsheet data if you've changed your backup jobs as the spreadsheet maintains the link itself.

Level 4
Funny thing is that I have been working with a "senior" Symantec engineer on a pesky cataloging issue, which so far, he's been unable to resolve, and since his latest and greatest suggestion now is to uninstall/reinstall BE, we had agreed to do this, but when asked how can we export our fileselection lists, so carefully tuned over the last year or so, such that we can recreate them on the new install, he didnt have an answer...  We'd already, at his suggestion, saved the config via BEUtil, backed up the current db, dropped it, restored to a virgin db, applied the BEUtil config, and no filelists/jobs..  I'm beginning to think there's better support on this forum than the actual support we pay lots of $$$ for... Not to mention the difficulty in reaching your assigned engineer.... Thanks again for your most valuable assistance!!
Dave Frandin

Level 3
Nice.  Thanks Alun.   You can also include OperType to distinguish between includes and excludes.

Level 3
I'm not that great with SQL so would anybody care to post (step-by-step) how to achieve these results?