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Final error: 0xe000032d - The consistency check of the snapshot for the Microsoft Exchange transaction log has failed.

Level 2
Hello all,

I have been trying to resolve an issue with our Exchange job for some time now and I am hoping to get assistance with it here. The full error displayed in the job log is:

"Final error: 0xe000032d - The consistency check of the snapshot for the Microsoft Exchange transaction log has failed. You should check for possible data corruption in the transaction log that is online. Final error category: Resource Errors"

"Access Denied. Cannot backup directory Mail Database 1 and its subdirectories."
"Access Denied. Cannot backup directory Public Folder Database and its subdirectories."
"Access Denied. Cannot backup directory Mail Database 2 and its subdirectories."

Here is a description of the environment:
  • I have Backup Exec 11d Revision 7170 installed on an Windows 2003 Server (Standard Edition) with Service Pack 2.
  • I am backing up my Exchange 2007 (Service Pack 2) Information Store, Shadow Copy Components and System State on a Windows Server 2008 Standard Edition Service Pack 1 using RAWS, to a HP robotic tape drive.

Here is the relevant Job properties:

  • AOFO is not ticked.
  • 'Backup method: Full - Database & Logs (flush committed logs)' is selected.
  • 'Enable the restore of individual mail messages and folders from Information Store backups' is ticked.
  • 'Perform consistency check before backup when using Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) snapshot provider' & 'Continue if consistency check fails' are ticked.
  • 'Backup method: Full - Back up messages - Reset archive bit' is selected.

Here is the event log warnings & errors I have documented on the Windows 2008 server:

  • Log Name:      Application
    Source:        MSExchangeIS
    Event ID:      9782
    Task Category: Exchange VSS Writer
    Level:         Error
    Exchange VSS Writer (instance bef4932a-474b-46cc-9789-eeb88ccbd973:7) has unsuccessfully completed the backup of storage group '# Storage Group'. No log files have been truncated for this storage group.
  • Log Name:      Application
    Source:        Application Error
    Task Category: (100)
    Level:         Error
    Faulting application remsrv.exe, version, time stamp 0x476e639e, faulting module unknown, version, time stamp 0x00000000, exception code 0xc0000005, fault offset 0x00560130, process id 0x1acc, application start time 0x01cb2397f550b1b2.
  • Log Name:      Application
    Source:        ESE
    Event ID:      519
    Task Category: Logging/Recovery
    Level:         Error
    beremote (3312) Instance 1: Log File Integrity Check (\\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy20\First Storage Group Logs\E00): The range of log files \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy20\First Storage Group Logs\E0000000010.log to \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy20\First Storage Group Logs\E000000D820.log is missing (error -528) and cannot be used. If these log files are required for recovery, a good copy of these log files will be needed for recovery to complete successfully.
  • Log Name:      Application
    Source:        Storage Group Consistency Check
    Event ID:      305
    Task Category: Log File Validation
    Level:         Error
    Instance 1: One or more errors were detected while validating the transaction log files in '\\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy20\First Storage Group Logs\' with a base name of 'E00'. The operation failed with error code -528 (0xfffffdf0).
  • Log Name:      Application
    Source:        Storage Group Consistency Check
    Event ID:      401
    Task Category: Termination
    Level:         Error
    Instance 1: The physical consistency check has completed, but one or more errors were detected. The consistency check has terminated with error code of -106 (0xffffff96).
  • Log Name:      Application
    Source:        MSExchangeIS
    Event ID:      9782
    Task Category: Exchange VSS Writer
    Level:         Error
    Exchange VSS Writer (instance 99ea48c6-a244-46d5-bf0e-858331d37350:5) has unsuccessfully completed the backup of storage group 'First Storage Group'. No log files have been truncated for this storage group.

Here is what I have done so far:


  • Installed Service Pack 2 for Exchange.
  • Checked VSS writers are stable with no errors.
  • Checked that Shadow copies are disabled on the partitions holding the storage groups.
  • Run a Windows Server Backup with full VSS option selected, which reports successful but logs are still not flushed.
  • Looked at the transaction logs and found seval out of place logs from the end of May this year, other transaction logs start on the 10th of June through to present day.
  • Found that 'Update Rollup 4 for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 2' can be applied.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Partner    VIP    Accredited

Take a look at the link has an explanation on some of your failures above (MS failures):

Do you get the same error in BE when backing up Exchange on its own?


Level 2
When you mean backing up Exchange on its own - do you mean just the information store database?

That link does not apply to us as the Windows 2008 server came online along time after that was released and that rollup has never been installed.

Level 6
Reboot the server and try runnign the backup again

Level 2
Done that already - no change.

Partner    VIP    Accredited

Have you come right here?