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Full Backups that are scheduled are failing

Level 3
I have a strange one. I have recently install a new Certance LTO drive as my main backup drive. I can run a scheduled Differential back fine. But when my full kicks off it fails and gives a device I/O error. I can go through and manually run a full backup no prblems. I have deleted the current full scheduled job and recreated it with the same outcome. Has anyone seen anything like this before ? I'm stumped. I have loaded all the latest updates and drivers without any luck.

Level 6

What drivers are you using for the device? The Veritas drivers or the manufacturer drivers?

Check out the steps mentione din the technotes given below:

Title: Device I/O error occurs during the verify portion of a backup operation with Backup Exec

Title: The error message "Error on a request to space to end of data. The request could not be performed because of an I/O error" is reported in Backup Exec 7.x, 8.x, 9.x, or 10.0 when attempting any media operation.

Hope this helps. If the problem persists, revert with details on the exact error message. Also check for errors in the event logs.

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