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Full backup job with AOFO against one BEAgent without AOFO installed

Level 3

I have a database server that's been horrible to get backed up properly.  Every step toward fixing it just leads me down another KB article or forum search or goodness forbid a call to someone who knows what I'm talking about.


It starts with the minimum quiet time.  It's our main DB server and it doesn't have quiet disk time, there's always activity.  Because it can't be restarted, I just can't install the needed SQL agents, so we're using Redgate to create backup files, then those files are backed up to tape.  Even then the dang thing spits out MQT errors, even at 2 seconds.  So I do a test on a single file without AOFO and it gives me a listener port error.  I check the processes and nope, BE is the only thing using that port.  So I reinstall the agent without AOFO.  The server needs to be backed up and I can't have it not be because the stupid application needs it to stop writing to disk long enough to create the snapshot.  We're positive no disk activity is going on at 2am but that doesn't seem to make any difference.


So the agent is reinstalled without AOFO, but the regular nightly job is set to use AOFO.  If I don't change the backup job, will it skip over the agent that doesn't have AOFO installed or will it crap out while it waits for something that's not there?  I don't mind turning it off.  Frankly it might save some time on the full job not waiting for snapshots.


Any ideas on this?