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GRT won't back up to B2D folder

Not applicable
I am running BEX 11d on an SBS server with a Dell RD1000.  11d is version 7170 with SP2 and hotfixes 31-39 and 44 applied.  I have the RD1000 formatted as NTFS and set up as a non-removable B2D folder.  The B2D folder's path is a standard local path with a drive letter.  Every backup gives me this error:

V-79-57344-4608 - The backup-to-disk folder that was specified for this job must be on a local NTFS volume.  Create a new backup-to-disk folder on a local NTFS volume or modify the current folder, and then submit the job again.

The only support article that error links to states that you either have to back up to a local NTFS B2D folder (which I'm doing) or disable GRT (which isn't an option).

We are probably going to upgrade to v12 soon, which will eliminate this issue (or so I've heard), but in the meantime it would be nice if we could get this to work.  I've seen other posts about workarounds involving multiple backup jobs and batch scripts, which is all well and good, but shouldn't this just work natively?

Level 6
You may have defined a standard B2D folder, but it is still on removable media, so I think you're just going to have to go to v12.  On v12 you can write GRT backups to any disk device you want, local/network, fixed/removable, though it must still be NTFS

Level 3
It sounds like the removable drive is not mounted locally as a volume, but just as a regular device.  If you go to computer management in Administrative Tools, look at the disk management, you should your volumes listed up top along with your available drives below.  Make sure that your removalbe disk is mounted as a volume (right click disk number and New Volume...) make sure it is NTFS and give it a drive letter.  If you already have it set up, try removing the volume/disk and reinstalling the device and remount the volume/drive.

Message Edited by chriscmc26 on 03-28-2008 06:20 AM

Level 3
Have you by any chance shared the local b2d-folder?
Then check that you havn't selected the "shared" instance of the b2d-folder instead of the local.
That would give the same symptoms as described.. (been there, done it myself..)
Mikael K.